Sea Buckthorn macerate with ginger and honey
Preparation time15 min
Waiting time15 days
Ready in15 days 15 m
Strengthens the body, increases immunity, the ideal ally against colds in the cold season
~ 15 servings, one serving being considered a spoon, 1 tablespoon = ~ 30g
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Estimated cost: 3.0 €
- 600ml glass container
- Sea buckthorn preparation
Sea buckthorn berries / fruits are detached from the twigs with scissors, then washed by rinsing in 2-3 waters. After washing, they are left to dry on paper towels on large surfaces for about 1-2 hours.
Some use the freezing method to remove sea buckthorn fruits from the twigs, recommended for large quantities, the method of individual cutting directly from the twigs being very meticulous and time consuming. - Wash the fresh ginger, then clean and cut into thin slices.
- Prepare a glass container (jar), which must be perfectly dry. Add the sea buckthorn fruit, together with the ginger, until it covers 3 quarters of the volume of the container. Temporarily put the lid on and stir.
- Over the sea buckthorn and ginger in the jar, add the honey (recommended polyflora), little by little, in stages, so that it drains between the sea buckthorn berries and the ginger slices, and finally to cover them.
- Seal the container tightly with a lid and then store in a dark, cool place (refrigerator).
- The maceration period is at least 15 days. It will then be kept in the fridge until completely consumed.
After maceration, a thin syrup will be obtained, and the sea buckthorn fruits will appear raisins, their juice being homogenized with honey.
Quantity rule for sea buckthorn / ginger macerate : fill the jar in 3 quarters with sea buckthorn / ginger, then pour honey, little by little, until the container is full and practically sea buckthorn and ginger are covered with honey. The proportions of sea buckthorn and ginger are about 3 quarters of sea buckthorn and a quarter of ginger.
Removing of sea buckthorn berries from twigs: it is quite meticulous and therefore those who work with very large quantities, use the freezing method, which basically involves freezing the sea buckthorn twigs and then removing the fruits by shaking the twigs. However, although freezing does not involve a great loss of the properties of sea buckthorn, if you have time, we recommend cutting sea buckthorn from the twigs with scissors.
It is good that both sea buckthorn fruits and ginger slices are well dried by the excess water, accumulated after washing, before maceration, to avoid a possible premature fermentation.
Storage and validity:
→ It must be kept in the refrigerator, hermetically sealed.
→ From time to time it is recommended to shake bottles.
→ It is recommended to be kept in small bottles.
→ It is recommended to consume in maximum 1 year, if the bottle is not open.
→ If the bottle is open, it is recommended to consume it within a maximum of 3 months to avoid oxidation of the main nutrients in contact with air.
Removing of sea buckthorn berries from twigs: it is quite meticulous and therefore those who work with very large quantities, use the freezing method, which basically involves freezing the sea buckthorn twigs and then removing the fruits by shaking the twigs. However, although freezing does not involve a great loss of the properties of sea buckthorn, if you have time, we recommend cutting sea buckthorn from the twigs with scissors.
It is good that both sea buckthorn fruits and ginger slices are well dried by the excess water, accumulated after washing, before maceration, to avoid a possible premature fermentation.
Storage and validity:
→ It must be kept in the refrigerator, hermetically sealed.
→ From time to time it is recommended to shake bottles.
→ It is recommended to be kept in small bottles.
→ It is recommended to consume in maximum 1 year, if the bottle is not open.
→ If the bottle is open, it is recommended to consume it within a maximum of 3 months to avoid oxidation of the main nutrients in contact with air.
Sea buckthorn macerate with ginger and honey is administered one tablespoon of maceration 3 times a day, preferably 30 minutes before meals. It can be consumed as such with sea buckthorn and ginger, or just the syrup. Macerated syrup can also be used in various soft drinks.
Cures of 2-4 weeks are recommended, especially in the autumn-winter period.
In the case of children, the spoon will be replaced with a teaspoon.
Sea buckthorn macerate shelf life:
It is generally recommended to prepare this maceration in jars as small as possible, to be consumed in the shortest possible time.
Personally, I have tested this product several times and I can tell you that it is ok after 6 months; let us not forget, however, that honey is a very good preservative. The shelf life is influenced by the honey-sea buckthorn ratio: the more honey is added, the longer the maceration will last.
Cures of 2-4 weeks are recommended, especially in the autumn-winter period.
In the case of children, the spoon will be replaced with a teaspoon.
Sea buckthorn macerate shelf life:
It is generally recommended to prepare this maceration in jars as small as possible, to be consumed in the shortest possible time.
Personally, I have tested this product several times and I can tell you that it is ok after 6 months; let us not forget, however, that honey is a very good preservative. The shelf life is influenced by the honey-sea buckthorn ratio: the more honey is added, the longer the maceration will last.
Effects and benefits
- natural energizer
- immuno-stimulator
- prevents colds and flu
- antioxidant
- fights colds and flu or other viral infections
- vitaminizing, rich in vitamins A, B and C.
- mineralizing (potassium)
- supports the proper functioning of the nervous system
- anti-inflammatory
- slows down the cellular aging process
- helps digestion
- anti-carcinogenic
Side effects
- diuretic
- may cause heartburn
- can amplify irritable bowel problems, causing bloating, flatulence
May be harmful to persons suffering from the following conditions:
- irritable bowel
- ballooning
- gastritis
- diarrhea
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