Water retention
Water retention: causes, symptoms and methods of treatment by natural remedies

Water retention in the body occurs when the body fails to remove excess water, accumulating fluid in tissues. This process, which usually occurs against the background of dehydration or kidney disease, is most often manifested by swelling of the extremities. Natural remedies rich in potassium and diuretic properties can relieve the symptoms of water retention.
The human body consists of about 60% of water. Water is vital for the proper functioning of the body, helping to dissolve nutrients and eliminate products that the body does not need. However, when the body fails to remove excess water, water retention occurs. Fluid retention means that excess water remains in the tissues, and this causes certain parts of the body, especially the extremities to swell.
Water retention episodes are usually temporary and can be easily treated with natural remedies or lifestyle changes. However, there are cases where water retention is due to medical conditions and can lead to severe complications, requiring medical consultation.
Types of water retention
There are two types of water retention or edema. The first is generalized edema, characterized by inflammation or swelling of the entire body. The second type of fluid retention is localized in certain parts of the body, such as the arms or legs - localized edema. Localized edema is more common than generalized edema and usually affects the calves, soles, palms, arms or face.
What causes water retention
Diet, certain medical conditions or posture can be the causes of water retention. In general, the most common causes for edema are:
: when we do not drink enough fluids, the body retains water in the tissues in an attempt to protect itself.Flight
: cabin pressure changes and the long period you stay on the plane can cause water retention.Maintain the same posture for a long time
: people who stand or sit for a long time, without changing position, are more likely to suffer from water retention. Gravity maintains blood at the extremities and thus edema occurs, especially in the leg area.Menstruation
: women menstruating suffer from water retention due to hormonal fluctuation affecting fluid circulation in the body.Pregnancy
: the accumulation of pounds during pregnancy combined with hormonal changes has the effect of fluid retention, especially in the leg area.Heat
: in summer, some people experience more intense water retention, because their body cannot remove excess water due to dehydration.Sodium-rich diet
: salt favors the retention of water in the body through dehydration. Excessive consumption of salt, through intensely processed foods, can lead to swelling of the hands and feet.Certain medicines
: including some chemotherapy, steroids, analgesics, antidepressants or antihypertensives may promote water retention in the body.Heart disease:
: a heart condition can cause circulation deficiencies. When blood does not circulate properly the body tends to retain water in that area.Kidney disease
: one of the roles of the kidneys is to remove fluids from the body. When affected, the body retains water.Liver diseases:
: the liver filters the blood. When it does not work properly, blood stagnates in the veins and edema is formed.
How to recognize water retention: common symptoms
Usually, the retention of water from the body becomes evident when the extremities swell. The shoes become too tight, the hands seem heavier and miss. In the case of people who follow a diet and fail to lose weight, the most likely reason is water retention. Among the most common symptoms for fluid retention are:
- bloating, especially in the abdominal area
- swollen feet, ankles and soles
- feeling of the abdomen, hips or face "puffy"
- rigid joints
- unexplained weight fluctuations
- skin hollows, the appearance of orange peel
- reduction of diuresis (urination) – less than 3 urinations per day.
Treatment of water retention by natural remedies
When edema is caused by external factors and not by a medical condition, natural remedies can effectively treat fluid retention in the body:
: with very few calories and a long list of nutrients, parsley is rich in potassium and acts as a diuretic, helping the body to eliminate water. In addition, the rich content of vitamins and chlorophyll helps to detoxify the body.Lemon juice
: lemon is rich in vitamin C, one of the strongest antioxidants that accelerates metabolism. Lemon juice or lemon water keep your body hydrated and promote the elimination of excess fluids.Dandelion tea
: the infusion from the dandelion plant helps to remove excess water from the body and has a detoxifying effect. A cure of at least one week is recommended, with two teas a day.Epsom salt
: a bath with epsom salt can relieve the symptoms of water retention. Salt attracts excess fluids from tissues and helps to install a sensation of release in the muscles and nervous system. Epsom salt baths are recommended, especially in the case of edema in the legs.Garlic
: among the countless health benefits of garlic are diuretic properties.Green tea
: has detoxifying and diuretic properties and helps to remove excess water from the body. It is recommended to consume 2-3 cups of infusion per day.Cranberry juice
: cranberry is used in urinary infections due to its antioxidant, antibacterial and diuretic properties. It also helps regulate the level of fluids in the body and combats the sensation of swollen hands and feet. To have the desired effect, cranberry juice should not be consumed sweetened.Horsetail tea
: thanks to the combination of silicon, magnesium and potassium, horsetail tea acts as a diuretic and remineralizer, so it removes excess water from tissues, detoxifies and restores mineral balance at the same time.Apple cider vinegar:
: regulates the body's natural PH, increases potassium levels and lowers sodium, thus reducing excess water in tissues. It can also be used externally, in the case of swollen feet, when foot baths are recommended in water solution and apple cider vinegar.Boldo tea
: boldo leaves contain alkaloids that stimulate blood circulation and regulate fluid levels in tissues.Pineapple
: with its sweet and creamy taste, pineapple is not just a favorite fruit of many people. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and has diuretic properties, so it is recommended in the case of fluid retention.Grape seed extract
: is a powerful antioxidant that combats edema. It can be consumed in the form of supplements or oil.Cucumber
: is one of the plants with over 90% water, which makes it a good diuretic and adjuvant in combating water retention.Corn silk
: is a natural diuretic containing potassium, thus balancing the sodium-potassium ratio in the body to reduce edema caused by fluid retention. Make an infusion of dry corn silk and water that is consumed 2-3 times a day.Nettle
: rich in minerals, especially potassium, nettle leaves act as a diuretic and increase the amount of urine removed. They can be eaten fresh or in infusion.Potassium
: potassium supplements are recommended when water retention is a cause of the imbalance between sodium and potassium in the body.
In addition, water retention can be combated with adequate hydration. Women should drink about 2.5 liters of fluids per day, while men should consume 3 liters. These amounts shall be increased during the summer or on days when intense physical activity is carried out. Sport, stress reduction and balanced diet are also useful remedies for preventing or treating water retention. In the case of the appearance of edema, especially in the area of the lower limbs, ice bags, applied to swollen areas, are recommended.
In conclusion, water edema or retention occurs when there is an imbalance in the sodium-potassium ratio in the body and the body cannot remove excess water from the tissues. Heart, kidney or liver diseases can cause imbalances that will lead to water retention in cells. Natural remedies that restore hydration and potassium levels in the body, as well as diuretic ones can treat the symptoms of fluid retention.