⚠ Note: being a 100% natural product, without emulsifiers or additives, it is very important that immediately after mixing the ingredients, the formed cream is put in the cold (in the refrigerator or freezer).
Storage and validity: • It is recommended to store in containers as small as possible, closed with a lid, mandatory cold in the refrigerator or even in the freezer. • If stored in a refrigerator, it is recommended to use the cream for a maximum of one month. In the freezer, the cream can be stored for up to 6 months, but once thawed, it is recommended to consume it in a maximum of 2 weeks. • It is also recommended to avoid prolonged contact with air and light because aloe vera gel oxidizes very easily especially if it is not processed. Delaying the oxidation process can be done by adding natural antioxidants such as natural vitamins A, C and E.
The ideal proportion of the ingredients is 50% aloe vera gel and 50% butter or vegetable oils.
If you find fresh Aloe Vera leaf, you can use 100% natural Aloe Vera gel, which is quite easy to find in most plafars.
Grape seed oil ensures optimal hydration of the tissues, having like the other ingredients a strong antioxidant role, increasing the elasticity. It also has the role of activating the production of collagen, which prevents premature aging of the skin.
Uses of the cream: → moisturizer; → cleanser; → face mask, providing a bright complexion; → hair mask; → massage cream; → sunburn; → minor injuries; → insect bites; → eczema and psoriasis; → mouth massage against canker sores, periodontitis; Application: → can be applied all over the body, like any moisturizer; → can also be used internally, orally; → it is recommended to apply only on clean skin; → can also be used successfully for massage; → for skin conditions such as sunburn it can be applied up to 3-4 times a day, after the skin has been cleansed;
Effects and benefits
a strong moisturizing cream (moisturizes the skin, keeping it elastic, healthy and radiant);
a cream rich in vitamins (vitamin E) and minerals;
a strong antioxidant cream;
regenerates and rejuvenates the skin;
offers a relaxing effect on the skin;
a cream recommended for restoring the skin exposed to the sun for a long time, in sunburn;
fights against the degradation produced by UV rays on the skin;
fights against pigment spots (helps in treating depigmented spots, reduces skin hyperpigmentation);
ensures an anti-aging effect;
has antifungal and antibacterial properties;
treats eczema and psoriasis;
a good cream against stretch marks;
improves blood circulation;
reduces dark circles and bags under the eyes;
helps to heal wounds, scars, cuts, minor burns or skin irritation faster;
helps treat herpes;
helps in abrasions, rashes, folliculitis, keratosis, psoriasis, shingles;
treatment for genital herpes,
treatment for seborrheic dermatitis;
stimulates collagen production, repairs collagen and combats the effects of aging;
delays the appearance of wrinkles;
reduces stinging associated with insect bites;
stops hair loss;
treats bleeding gums and oral ulcers;
has anti-inflammatory effects, helps reduce inflammation in the skin;
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