In the evening, if you want to apply a cream around the eyes, apply it after the treatment with the cleansing pads soaked in tea and cooled.
Cornflowers have been used for hundreds of years as a natural eye treatment, but their properties also benefit other conditions.
Asters have soothing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic and emollient properties.
The flowers are rich in polyenes (centaur X), polyenes (centaur Y), bitter substances (centaurin), glycosides (cycorin, mucilage, tannin) and glycosidic anthocyanins (cyanin). They also contain impressive amounts of potassium and manganese salts.
The most important active substances for the body are tannin, centaurine, pelargonine and cyanine.
Preparations containing cornflower flowers (teas, infusions, tinctures, poultices, poultices, compresses, creams) have astringent, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and spasmolytic properties. They also have a diuretic, soothing, antidiarrheal and tonic action.
Remove two frozen disks each, leave to soften for 3-5 minutes and then apply to dark circles for 5-10 minutes, until no longer cold.
The procedure can be repeated up to 3 times a day: in the morning, at midday and in the evening before bedtime.
The disk can also be applied to the whole closed eye, but be careful not to make it too cold and not to soak it in tea.
The procedure can be done every day for up to a week, then one week is reduced to 1 day yes and 1 day no, the next week to 2 days and finally the last week to 3 days.
The treatment can be repeated every few months or done occasionally.
For increased effectiveness, different treatments of the same type can be alternated (still with frozen disks but another liquid base: chamomile tea, peppermint tea, green tea, rose petal tea, the mix of these teas, in the evening milk is also a good moisturizer).
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