Fresh tomato juice with honey to strengthen bones and joints

Juices Very easy 2 servings Subscribe to youtube channel
Preparation time3 min
Waiting time--
Ready in3 min

A tomato and honey smoothie, very easy to make at home, lowers your risk of osteoporosis and even helps strengthen your bones and joints. The lycopene in tomatoes helps fix calcium in the bones.


2 glasses


Estimated cost: 0.2 €


  • - nutribulet, or any food processor for making fresh fruit or juices
  • - container


  • Wash and clean the tomatoes from the green part.
  • Cut the tomatoes into 4 and put them in the container of the juicer/fresh (nutribulet in my case).
  • Add honey and olive oil.
  • Blend all ingredients together with the fresh juice maker.
  • Eat fresh, within 10 minutes of being ready. For times when there are no tomatoes (although there are now most of the time, but their nutritional quality leaves something to be desired), it is recommended to preserve this juice by boiling and sterilizing.


In order to strengthen the anti-inflammatory effect of this fresh we recommend adding the following ingredients (only if tolerated)
- a little black pepper
- a little turmeric
- a little ginger


Take two glasses a day to strengthen bones and joints! As it is an acidic drink, we recommend drinking this juice an hour after meals. If you have no problems and tolerate it, for maximum absorption it is recommended to drink 30 minutes before meals.

Effects and benefits

  • decreases the risk of osteoporosis
  • strengthens bones
  • strengthens joints
  • anti-inflammatory
  • powerful antioxidant
  • decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • may increase the skin's ability to protect itself against the sun's UV rays.

Side effects

  • diuretic if consumed in large quantities
  • may cause heartburn in sensitive people
  • may cause bloating in sensitive people


Attention for people suffering from:

  • irritable bowel, bloating, flatulence
  • various stomach disorders
  • digestive disorders
Another information
Tomatoes contain sugars, vitamins A and C, calcium and iron, as well as the highest amount of lycopene, which helps bind calcium to bones.
The recommended daily dose of lycopene is at least 10000 µg. This sounds like a high figure but if you eat 1-2 tomatoes a day you will exceed this.
Lycopene is fat-soluble and is therefore much better absorbed by the body in the presence of fats, which is why we also used olive oil.
Lycopene, the active substance in red fruits and vegetables, has numerous health benefits. It fights atherosclerosis, diabetes, asthma, free radicals (molecules or ions that can damage healthy cells and the immune system).
Studies have shown the benefits of lycopene in fighting breast, pancreatic, prostate, skin, ovarian, stomach, vision deterioration with age, cataracts, cardiovascular disease. By improving circulation at the cellular level, lycopene prevents tumor tissue formation. Lycopene is also believed to prevent neoplastic, degenerative and Alzheimer's diseases.
As a potent antioxidant, lycopene not only protects cells from oxidative stress but also strengthens cell membranes.
Consumption of lycopene may increase the skin's ability to protect itself against UV burns.


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