Homemade yogurt made from fermented milk and sour cream

Healing drinks Very easy 4 servings Subscribe to youtube channel
Preparation time5 min
Waiting time12 hours
Cooking time10 min
Ready in12 h 15 m

Homem-made yogurt, simple, creamy, 100% natural

Simple recipe for 100% natural, creamy homemade yogurt with just 2 ingredients: milk and fermented sour cream





- ceramic or glass containers (clay pots, jars, ...)


  • Boil the milk ~ 5 - 10 minutes from the first boil, over low heat, and then leave to cool until slightly lukewarm (30º-40ºC).
  • Homemade yogurt made from fermented milk and sour cream - Preparation step 2When the milk has cooled sufficiently, i.e. it is slightly lukewarm, put it into containers, ideally clay pots. I used 800 gram jars;
  • The next step is to add the fermented sour cream to the containers of milk and mix until homogenized.
    For an 800-gram jar, I used ~1.5 tablespoons of fermented cream.
    You absolutely must have fermented cream because it contains those good bacteria that curdle the milk and give that slightly sour taste.
    If you don't have fermented sour cream, you can use a full-fat natural yogurt (even your own yogurt) as a fermenting agent, i.e. for 800 grams of milk, about 150 grams of natural yogurt.
  • Leave covered for ~12 hours at room temperature (~25ºC), during which time the yogurt will form, then refrigerate in the fridge, cellar...
    The containers can be wrapped in a blanket to maintain the temperature...
    After ~ 4 hours you will notice how the yogurt is already thickening.


The fattier the milk, the creamier the yogurt.

Storage and shelf life:
- Keep only in the refrigerator (cellar);
- consumption within 2 weeks.

Yogurt contributes to the production of infection-fighting T-cells, so your immunity will always be ready to face any new challenge!

Yoghurt contributes to muscle growth as it is a complex source of essential amino acids and is therefore ideal for athletes.


It can be taken on its own ~200 g of plain yogurt per serving or in various combinations with cereals, seeds, fruit, ...

Yoghurt can be part of various skin and hair masks.
Yoghurt can also be applied externally to the skin, useful for sunburn.

Effects and benefits

Another information
- Homem-made yogurt has about the same potassium content as bananas;
- Homem-made yogurt has about the same protein content as an egg or 30g of meat.


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