Rheumatism and how it can be relieved by natural remedies

Rheumatism is a chronic and painful inflammatory disease that affects the bones, muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, including internal organs.
What is rheumatism?
Rheumatism, depending on the forms in which it manifests, it begins with fever, muscle stiffness, pain and inflammation in the joints. At first there may be occasional, light-intensity pain that occurs with the change of weather or after intense physical exertion. Left untreated, they can become unbearable and affect daily activities. People suffering from rheumatic diseases have an increased sensitivity to the cold and feel acute pain during the cold season.
- Persistent joint pain (especially in the joints of the hands and feet);
- Stiffness (present on waking, lasts more than 30 minutes);
- Swelling, redness and heating of the affected part;
- Bone deformities and the presence of swelling on the fingers etc.;
- Muscle weakness;
- Loss of flexibility in a joint, difficulty at moving.
Factors that promote the appearance of rheumatoid arthritis:
- Genetic factors;
- Infections;
- Obesity (implicitly overweight);
- Exposure to cold and humidity;
- Dietary factors can increase or decrease your risk of having certain rheumatic diseases - gout is associated with diets rich in purines, which are found in various types of meat;
- Immune system disorders.
Types of rheumatisme
According to the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), rheumatism is not a single disease. Rheumatic diseases include more than 200 different conditions, which can be various types of arthritis, up to osteoporosis and even systemic diseases or connective tissue disorders. Thus, there are the following:
- Inflammatory rheumatism usually encountered in systemic diseases such as arthritis, spondylitis, acute rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, vasculitis, lupus, scleroderma, Sjogren's syndrome, spondylarthropathy, psoriatic arthritis;
- Degenerative rheumatism caused either by attrition and degeneration of a joint (osteoarthritis of the limbs), or occurs due to mechanical causes (for example an excessive effort to lift a weight), or a combination of these factors;
- Abarticular rheumatism represented by painful diseases of the soft parts of the musculoskeletal system, manifestations that do not affect the joints, but muscles, periarticular formations and nerves, hence the name of muscular and nervous rheumatism (periarthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, myositis and myalgia);
- Microcrystalline rheumatism caused by the presence of uric acid crystals in the joint or tendons (gout, joint chondrocalcinosis, disease of tendon calcifications);
- Infectious rheumatism caused by the presence of a microbe or microorganism in the joint - for example, tuberculous arthritis.
Natural anti-rheumatic remedies
It is recommended to use locally those types of plants with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiallergic, sweating, diuretic, depurative and revulsive effects.
Internal use
- Raw cabbage juice is the best known natural remedy in the fight against rheumatic pains. Cabbage has the property of reducing both inflammation and rheumatic pain, as well as those caused by gout. It is recommended 2 glasses a day, in 3-week cures. It has tonic, anti-inflammatory, purifying effects;
- Raw potato juice is considered an excellent remedy for rheumatism. It helps eliminate toxic factors and relieves pain. For this, take 1-2 teaspoons of juice before the main meals of the day;
- Consume daily, for at least three consecutive months, a glass of fresh pumpkin juice in which a teaspoon of honey is mixed;
- Celery seed extract - take 5 to 10 drops added to hot water before a meal;
- Curcumin extract (turmeric) is one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory and is completely free of side effects. The anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin extract is given by its ability to inhibit the activity of enzymes that play an important role in producing and maintaining chronic inflammation. At the same time, it stimulates the creation of cortisol which removes inflammation;
- Horsetail extract is a very effective stimulant for the restoration of fine cartilaginous tissues in the joints, thus favoring the recovery of their mobility and functionality. Horsetail extract is also an effective remedy for people suffering from arthritis, a disease that deforms the bones by losing the flexibility of the joints due to the loss of collagen;
- Nettle is another effective remedy in treating rheumatism, due to the anti-inflammatory effect of the joint;
- Infusion of chamomile flowers - one teaspoon to 250 ml of boiling water - with antiseptic, bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects;
- Infusion of sulphine flowers and leaves: ash, birch, sage, rosemary, nettle, from which drink 2-3 cups a day;
- Infusion of tarragon leaves, which produce a strong diuresis accompanied by the elimination of toxins;
- Infusion of plants (primrose, sovarf, knotweed, agrimony), fruit (juniper and fennel), buds (pine and grapevine);
- Decoction of comfrey roots and sage bark (10 g in 200 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, infuse for 10-20 minutes and drink 2-3 cups a day) in a cure for 2-3 weeks;
- Decoction of the mixture consisting of elderflowers (diuretic, sweat), ash and birch leaves, horsetail, bean pods, licorice roots (with anti-inflammatory actions), juniper berries (diuretic and disinfectant), bark willow (analgesic and antipyretic). Put a tablespoon of 200 ml of water in the mixture, boil for 2 minutes, infuse for 10-15 minutes and drink 3 cups a day;
- Apples are a delicious remedy. Prepare by boiling 3-4 apples in 300 ml of water for 10 minutes, and drink warm, several times a day;
- Special tea from juniper, birch, shock, willow bark, horsetail, bean pods and ash. Consume 2-3 cups of infusion per day, obtained by scalding a teaspoon of this mixture in 250 ml of hot water;
- Cat’s claw is useful in the treatment of rheumatic diseases; has anti-inflammatory action in rheumatic diseases, because the plant contains beneficial substances, sterolic nature;
- Ivy leaf extract has a sedative action and is indicated in myalgia and rheumatic pains;
- Black poplar buds are especially recommended in rheumatic diseases. They can be used as an infusion or decoction (1 tablespoon of buds to 1 cup of boiling water);
- Yellow golderods have a sedative action and alleviate the pain caused by rheumatism;
- Willow bark (called natural aspirin) has tonic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, sedative, astringent and antirheumatic effects. An infusion of 200 ml of boiling water is prepared as a cure for bone pain, which is poured over 2 teaspoons of dried and crushed plant. Drink 2-3 tablespoons a day;
- The lycopod is recommended in the treatment of rheumatic pains and cramps, which usually manifest at night, by contracting muscles and very severe pain. Lycopod tea is never boiled. Put a teaspoon of the plant in a cup of boiled water, let it infuse for 5 minutes, strain it and drink it slowly, in small sips, for 10-15 minutes, preferably unsweetened. Do not drink more than one tea a day;
- Shark cartilage is very rich in chondroitin, an extremely effective substance in various forms of degenerative rheumatism, which helps restore joints and restores their mobility. Contains over 40% pure collagen and amino acids, which are necessary for tissue elasticity, healing of damaged ligaments and tendons, for healing cracked skin.
External use
External treatment applied in the form of ointments, gels or creams stimulates blood circulation locally, reduces pain, alleviate and relaxes the muscles, soothes inflammations and reduces the intensity and frequency of rheumatism attacks. You can try one of these remedies:
- Hot baths with salt occupy the first place in the top of natural treatments indicated in rheumatic diseases. To relieve symptoms, the procedure should be followed twice a week for at least 3 months;
- To relieve rheumatic pains, poultices with cabbage leaves are recommended. In the evening, put 2 crushed cabbage leaves in a gauze and tie around the problem areas. Leave to act overnight. The treatment lasts 2 weeks;
- Hot herbal baths, taken separately or in a mixture, using ash leaves, mint and stevia, hay flowers, juniper and wild chestnut fruits, pine buds, comfrey roots, willow bark and black mustard flour;
- Poultices from raw potatoes, sliced or grated, applied locally soothe headaches and rheumatism;
- Rubs with tinctures of rosemary leaves, black poplar buds, thyme, juniper and red pepper fruits, horseradish and comfrey roots;
- Rubs with juniper oil, mint, pine, lavender, coriander, rosemary, rose petals, chamomile, St. John's wort and eucalyptus, used separately or in mixtures;
- Massages with marigold, butterbur, candle and viper venom ointment;
- Horseradish poultices are a famous remedy. Grate 50 g of horseradish and mix well with 20 ml of water and 50 g of wholemeal flour. The mixture is placed in a cloth bag and applied to the sick area. Leave on for 30 minutes, then remove. The treatment should be repeated every night for 10 days;
- Poultices of 2 tablespoons of dried and crushed pollen, mixed with 100 ml of vegetable oil. Boil for 5-10 minutes on low heat until you get a paste that spreads over the painful area and leave overnight.
Anti-inflammatory foods
At people suffering from rheumatism, the diet must be complete to meet the need for protein, vitamins (A, C, K) and mineral salts.
Diet may be a contributing factor to the onset of this disease. It is important to make some changes to your diet to facilitate healing and reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms.
Start with a cleansing treatment of 5-7 days a month with raw vegetables, which include cabbage, carrots, celery, beets, dill, parsley, leeks, onions, nettles, to which are added soups from the vegetable mix or beans, sour milk, fresh milk (1/2 liter), yogurt, cheese, fish oil, rice (boiled in milk), raw pumpkin or sunflower seeds, nuts, peanuts, potatoes (boiled in milk and mixed with olive oil and an egg yolk). You can also eat sprouted wheat porridge with honey and chicory coffee.
In the morning, before breakfast, drink 250 ml of celery juice for 21 consecutive days, and in the evening are indicated carrot juices (200 ml), parsnip or parsley roots (100 ml), beetroot (100 ml) and cabbage (100 ml).
Emphasis will be placed on a natural diet, mainly alkalizing and anti-inflammatory, which will not be missing:
- Fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, cherries, peaches and pomegranates that have anti-inflammatory effects, contain antioxidants and phytochemicals;
- Intense-colored vegetables such as beetroot, hot peppers, eggplant have an anti-inflammatory effect due to their high content of fiber and vitamin E. It is scientifically proven that fiber has the effect of reducing C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation in the blood;
- Whole grains are a very important source of fiber;
- Fish oil, due to its high content of omega 3 stops the activity of certain enzymes responsible for inflammation. The best dietary sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are salmon, tuna and mackerel;
- Nuts and olive oil should be a regular part of your diet to bring in an intake of Omega-3 fatty acids;
- Selenium is a mineral with a strong anti-inflammatory role. Selenium is found in nuts, whole grains, brewer's yeast, garlic and wheat germ.
Food to avoid
Exclude from the diet meat, white bread, white flour pastries, white sugar, caffeine, alcohol, salty and spicy.
Any food that has an acid content can aggravate and worsen the symptoms of rheumatic diseases.
Soybean and corn oil increase inflammation in your joints, so you need to avoid them.
Wheat and corn also increase inflammation, so you should avoid any type of products made from ingredients that are based on wheat and corn grains.
Physical activity
People diagnosed with rheumatic diseases should have a healthy lifestyle, in addition to a healthy and balanced diet, rich in foods that reduce inflammation in the body, which include movement and exercise that does not require affected joints. They help restore muscle tone, maintain joint mobility and last but not least relieve muscle pain.
SPAs in Romania for the treatment of rheumatism
Romania is a country rich in areas with thermal waters, mineral springs and air with healing qualities where tourists of all ages can come for treatment: thermal waters from Herculane, Geoagiu, Moneasa, Sovata, Slănic Prahova, Olănești, Călimănești and in the resorts with salt water and mud: thermal waters from Felix, Techirghiol are recommended for people suffering from rheumatic diseases.
Thermal treatments with sulfurous and salt water are also very effective, having the benefit of relaxing and retoning the muscles.
Did you know that…?
- The term "rheumatism", although often used in everyday speech, is not attributed to a specific condition, but it covers at least 200 different diseases?
- 600,000 people in Romania suffer from inflammatory rheumatic diseases?
- 2,000 children in Romania suffer from juvenile arthritis?