Pine buds can be finely crushed for better maceration with alcohol or can be used as such when they are small and fresh. If they are crushed and if a harder refined double alcohol (> 90 degrees) is used, the maceration time is shorter ~ 10 days. I chose to use whole buds.
Add the alcohol until the container is completely filled.
Close the container and leave to macerate in a dark and cool place for about 30 days. The maceration time differs depending on the quality of the buds, whether they were crushed or one, by the strength (concentration) of the alcohol. The minimum maceration time is 10 days. I chose an alcohol of ~ 60 degrees and I used whole fresh buds, so I left it to macerate for 30 days.
After the maceration period, the liquid is separated with the help of a sieve. This gives pine bud tincture . It is kept in glass containers, preferably dark in color, in cool places and away from light. The macerated buds, after being squeezed well, are discarded.
External use: neurosis, cardiac neurosis, scabies, wound healing, comforting good, irritated and red skin.
Wounds heal much faster and do not become infected if, after being thoroughly cleaned, they are anointed with pine bud tincture.
❗ In this recipe we used ingredients in much too small quantities to be filmed more easily. We recommend making the recipe with ingredients for at least 250ml of tincture.
It is usually administered a teaspoon of pine bud tincture, diluted in a quarter of a glass of water (~ 100ml), 3-4 times a day, before 15-30 meals.
You can also try the administration of the tincture on a dry bread cube (~ 0.5 cm) or on a sugar cube (beware of those with sugar restrictions).
Effects and benefits
✔ antiseptics
✔ antibiotics
✔ soothing
✔ contributes to the relief of respiratory diseases: acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, cough, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis
✔ anti-inflammatory
✔ anti-infective
✔ healing
✔ strengthens the osteo-articular system
✔ stimulates bone and cartilage tissue
✔ has a remineralized effect, favors the consolidation of fractures
For people with stomach problems, possibly try the administration option on a cube of dry bread or sugar.
It's alcohol, so not suitable for pregnant women
Another information
✔ Cough and bronchitis: gargle with 2 teaspoons of pine bud tincture. ✔ Migraines, dizziness, vertigo : gargle with 2 teaspoons in a quarter glass with water or massage the temples ✔ Vomiting : temple massage with tincture ✔ Gastroenteritis, vomiting and other digestive disorders : bread soaked in a teaspoon of pine bud tincture on an empty stomach, 3-4 times / day for 10 days ✔ Cystitis, urinary microlithiasis, nephritis : it is treated with the tincture of pine buds, from which one teaspoon diluted in a glass of water is taken, 3-4 times a day. A cure lasts 10 days, and can be resumed as many times as needed. People who have kidneys sensitive to sudden colds or who are prone to cystitis should prepare this tincture in advance. ✔ Neuralgia : take 4-5 teaspoons of undiluted pine syrup on an empty stomach. In addition, apply a compress of pine bud tincture to the affected area, which lasts for a quarter of an hour. If neuralgia occurs as a result of sensitivity to cold, hold a bottle of hot water over the compression.
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