Pollen with lemon and honey in layers, cold macerated

Macerate Very easy 5 servings Subscribe to youtube channel
Preparation time3 min
Waiting time24 hours
Ready in24 h 3 m

An important source of pure protein, enzymes, minerals, vitamins

Macerate of pollen, lemon and honey is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other nutrients with miraculous effects on the body: strengthens immunity, protects us from colds and flu, keeps respiratory diseases, bronchitis, cough, to fight against cancer due to its powerful antioxidant effect.


We will get a 100 ml jar: ~ 5 servings (one serving = ~ 1 tbsp)



Estimated cost: 0.6 €


  • - glass container (jar);
  • - non-metallic spoon;


  • Pollen with lemon and honey in layers, cold macerated - Preparation step 1We prepare the ingredients: raw pollen (it is kept in the freezer), lemon (it is preferable to have an organic lemon, so we can use it with peel) and bee honey. Wash the lemon well and cut it into thin slices.
  • Pollen with lemon and honey in layers, cold macerated - Preparation step 2We put the ingredients in layers in a jar: a slice of lemon, a little pollen and honey. Continue with layers of lemon, pollen and honey until the jar is full.
  • Pollen with lemon and honey in layers, cold macerated - Preparation step 3Seal the jar with cling film and an elastic band, or with a lid.
    It will be left to macerate in the refrigerator for 1-3 days, after which it can be consumed.
    After sale, consumption is recommended within a maximum of one week. It must be kept in the refrigerator.


→ Lemon dissolves pollen and honey and we will have an extra pure protein, enzymes, minerals, vitamins!

Storage and shelf life: Keep tightly closed in a refrigerator. After opening, it is recommended to consume it in the shortest possible time, 2-3 days, maximum one week.
The 3 ingredients macerate very quickly (~ in 24 hours), so it is recommended to make small enough quantities for a few days. The higher the amount of honey, the longer the product will last, as honey is a good preservative.

→ We recommend using a non-metallic spoon for administration.


→ Se poate consuma doar siropul format sau împreună cu felia de lămâie.

→ Se recomandă 1-3 linguri pe zi, de preferat pe stomacul gol, cu 30 minute înaintea meselor, însă nu mai târziu de ora 18.

→ Ca și tonic imuno-stimulator, se poate administra pe termen lung, însă la 4 săptămâni se recomandă o pauză de 2 săptămâni.

Pentru bronșite, tuse, dureri în gât și alte afecțiuni respiratorii, doza poate fi mărită până la 5-6 linguri pe zi, însă pe perioade scurte de timp, maxim 3-4 zile. În aceste situații încercați să nu înghițiți rapid amestecul, lăsați-l să stea cât mai mult în gură (eventual sub limbă). Proprietățile anti-microbiene, antivirale și antibiotice ale acestui remediu, vor calma tusea și inflamația de la nivelul gatului.

→ Altă metodă de administrarea este să punem într-un pahar o lingură din amestecul format (cu tot cu lămâie) peste care turnăm ~200 ml apă călduță (sub 40ºC pentru a nu distruge proprietățile polenului și a mierii), amestecăm și apoi consumăm amestecul cu înghițituri mici.

Effects and benefits

  • strengthens immunity;
  • strengthens the body;
  • rich in vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, C, D, E, F and P, including provitamin A;
  • rich in minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, potassium, silicon, zinc, chromium, iodine, ...;
  • a good source of quality protein, easily assimilated;
  • rich in fiber and carbohydrates;
  • strong antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • prevents colds and flu;
  • has anti-bacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antibiotic effects;
  • good for respiratory ailments: bronchitis, cough, sore throat;
  • has an expectorant effect;
  • an extraordinary natural digestive, rich in plant probiotics (pollen content);
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • recommended in slimming belts;
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL);
  • supports the activity of the liver;
  • fight against cancer;

Side effects

- Allergies in people allergic to one of the ingredients;


  • Contraindicated for those allergic to one of the ingredients;
  • Diabetics should be careful, possibly use acacia honey;
Another information
→ Raw pollen must be stored in the freezer immediately after harvesting so as not to lose its properties.
Raw pollen is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, C, D, E, F and P, including provitamin A, and the daily dose to ensure the intake of these vitamins is only 30 g of raw pollen.
Raw pollen is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, potassium, silicon, zinc, chromium, iodine, ...
Also, in raw pollen we find an impressive amount of protein (higher than in meat) with fast absorbent (~ 24%).


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