If we are using fresh sage, we will wash it under running water and let it dry ~ 1 - 2 hours until all the water and moisture evaporates. We will use an alcohol concentration of at least 50% (grain alcohol, votca, palinca, brandy).
Finely chop the sage using a preferably non-metallic knife.
We put the chopped sage in a glass container (jar) clean and dry, without pressing it.
Add the alcohol until the container is full and close hermetically.
We leave to macerate between 3 and 6 weeks, in a place protected from light, ventilated and slightly cool (pantry, cupboard shelf, storage room, cellar). It is good to shake the jar daily to ensure complete fusion of the herbs (sage) with the alcohol.
At the end of the maceration period, strain/filter the tincture and keep only the liquid. The most effective way is to use a cheesecloth, so you can squeeze the shredded leaves soaked in alcohol well. You can also use a sieve, colander or as in my case, not having gauze, I actually drained the tincture, it separated very well.
Pour the filtered liquid into small, preferably dark, glass containers with a dropper. Close the containers hermetically and label them with the name of the plant, the parts of the plant used, the type of alcohol, the date of preparation. The tincture will be stored in a cool, ventilated place, protected from light. There is no problem if it is also kept in the refrigerator.
→ The proportion of ingredients in sage tincture can range from 25% herb - 75% alcohol to 50% herb - 50% alcohol. In the current recipe I used about 40% - 60%, but in order not to weigh, in a container put at least a quarter of a container of chopped herb (pressed well) and fill with alcohol until full ... Attention, the chopped plant takes up quite a lot of volume, as it was in my case, it filled the container. → During the maceration phase it is good not to leave too much space in the jar, fill with alcohol up to the lip of the jar and seal hermetically, because air can alter the quality of the plants by oxidation. → Tincture from fresh plants is more effective than that from dried plants, because the fresh plant contains the most volatile substances that will be transferred to the alcohol. → In the case of fresh plants it is recommended that after washing by rinsing under running water, let them dry from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours to remove the moisture from them (until they wilt slightly). → To increase the concentration of the tincture, the process can be repeated, using as alcohol the already formed tincture and other plants. Thus you can repeat the maceration process 2-3 times, obtaining a tincture of "double" or "triple" concentration. → For the fresh plant, it is good to use an alcohol of the highest concentration (90%), because the plant already has water, and in the case of dry plants, a weaker alcohol (minimum 40%) also works.
Storage and validity: → It will be kept in small bottles, possibly dark in color and with a dropper, necessarily in places protected from light, ventilated and cool (pantry, cellar, even the refrigerator). → If deposits are observed during storage, shake the bottle before use. → The validity period is 2 years from the date of preparation.
Sage tincture can be used both internally and externally through local applications, rinsing, gargling, diluted with water.
Internal: → In adults, it is recommended to take 30-60 drops of sage tincture diluted in 100 ml of water, 3 times a day, on an empty stomach. → For children up to 12 years of age, it will be consumed only with the recommendation of the specialist, and in general for children 7-12 years old, between 10-30 drops of tincture, diluted in 100 ml of water (half a glass) 3 times a day, on empty stomach → For children under 7 years of age, sage tincture is not recommended.
⚠ For people with stomach sensitivity, it is recommended to take the product after a meal.
External: Sage tincture can be used externally, diluted with water, through local applications, smearing, rinsing, gargling. → To reduce the discomfort that occurs on the skin (excessive sweating), apply local tinctures as such or diluted in water (between 50-200 drops per 100 ml of water, depending on the sensitivity of the skin); → To maintain and restore the health of the oral cavity and throat, rinse the mouth or gargle with a diluted solution: 10 - 50 drops of sage tincture to 50 ml of water;
Effects and benefits
supports the normal functioning of the female hormonal system;
contributes to the comfort of the body during menopause;
reduction of unpleasant conditions that occur during menopause (menopausal dysmenorrhoea, excessive sweating, nervousness, dizziness);
recommended for women with irregular periods;
during pregnancy, it can be used by women who have excessive lactation (decreases milk secretion);
normalizes the level of sweating, reducing excessive sweating;
supports the normal functioning of the digestive system (of the gastrointestinal tract);
improves digestion;
contributes to the stimulation of bile production and elimination (for biliary dyskinesias);
good for stomach pain due to nervousness;
reduces gastrointestinal spasms;
fights bloating;
fights flatulence;
improves dyspeptic symptoms;
ensures the operation of the memory in optimal conditions;
invigorating, restores the body's tone;
reduces overwork, physical, mental and intellectual fatigue;
fights depression, stress, nervousness;
helps in neuralgia;
contributes to the normal functioning of the respiratory system;
eases breathing;
good for bronchitis, viral infections;
antioxidant, combats the harmful action of free radicals;
supports the immune system;
maintains the health of the oral cavity (of the mucous membranes) by rinsing with 10 - 50 drops of sage tincture per 50 ml of water;
restores and maintains the health of the mucous membranes in the neck (tonsils, pharynx, larynx) by gargling with 10-50 drops per 50 ml of water;
reduces excessive sweating and skin discomfort by local washing or applying 50-200 drops of sage tincture to 100 ml of water;
reducing the risk of bleeding;
Side effects
overdose can generate neurotoxic effects;
lactate secretion decreases during breastfeeding;
overdose can cause high blood pressure;
overdose can cause epilepsy;
contraindicated for people with intolerance to any of the product's components;
contraindicated for people who are forbidden/limited to drink alcohol;
during pregnancy, breastfeeding you must ask for the doctor's advice;
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