We will use a glass container for combining and mixing the ingredients and a 100 ml glass container with spray.
Start with lemon juice and salt to make sure it has completely dissolved at the end. Continue with the ginger. mix of essential oils, colloidal silver, olive oil, methylene blue and propolis tincture.
After each ingredient mix.
At the end, the composition is poured into the spray container. Close the container with the sprayer and the solution is ready.Observations
If swallowed by mistake, it poses no danger, being a 100% natural product.
It can also be used as a skin disinfectant in case of wounds, ulcers, eczema and infections.
Regarding salt , I must inform you that it will not give a very pleasant taste to the composition. In the worst case, if you can't stand the salt, you can give it up, although it has a very important role in treating sore throats.
It is recommended to use a raw salt type.
Colloidal silver is an aqueous solution with positively charged Ag microparticles, with a concentration ranging from 10ppt to 80ppt;
Silver is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics that has an effect against over 650 pathogens. Laboratory tests have shown that colloidal silver kills most bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses within 2-6 minutes of contact. Colloidal silver is obtained by electrolysis and vacuum concentration and is available for purchase in pharmacies or plafare.
Long ago, silver vessels were used for water, food, ... these having a purifying, disinfecting role.
Mixture of essential oils : only essential oils (obtained by steam distillation) will be used, which can also be used internally (read the oil label). They can be dripped directly into the mixing container or combined beforehand in another drip container (my case).
Albastru de metil are o toxicitate scăzută și este, în general, ușor de tolerat în tratamentele pe termen lung. Cu toate acestea, înainte de a utiliza tratamentul cu albastru de metil, întrebați un medic!
General information:
- various sore throats,
- cough of various etiologies with dry (dry cough) or wet cough (productive cough),
- acute and chronic bronchitis,
- tracheitis, tracheobronchitis,
- laryngitis, pharyngitis,
- respiratory viruses and influenza.
It is administered between 2 and 4 puffs (jets), 2-4 times a day.
Shake the container before use.
After administration, it is recommended not to eat or drink for at least 30 minutes.
It is used from the first signs of discomfort, in the throat (difficulty swallowing, dryness, stinging, etc.), and until their disappearance, but not more than 5 days.
In children, the amounts are halved, but we recommend consulting a doctor.
During the administration of the product, the urine may be colored green or blue, thanks to the methylene blue!
It is not a problem if you swallow part of the solution sprayed in the throat, because methyl blue is easily tolerated by the body, ... as well as colloidal silver
Effects and benefits
- antiviral effect
- antibacterial
- antifungal
- healing and a strong epithelial regenerative
- calming
- disinfectant and decongestant of the upper respiratory tract: sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, dry or productive cough, bronchitis, colds;
- reduces the risk of bacterial contamination of the airways;
- maintaining the health of the oral cavity.
- antioxidant
- immunity stimulator,
- bacteriostatic,
- local antiseptic
- detoxifier
- regenerator
- neutralizes free radicals
- can also be used for diseases of the oral mucosa: gingivitis, halena, canker sores, stomatitis
- disinfection of the upper respiratory tract,
- disinfection of the oral cavity,
- removing unpleasant odors from the mouth,
- breath freshening
- anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic
Side effects
Let's not forget that the solution contains salt and even if we do not swallow, there is an absorption of salt in the oral cavity. So beware of people with salt restriction (usually those with blood pressure problems).
- Propolis allergy. Intolerance to any of the components of the product.
- People with salt restriction or blood pressure problems should seek medical advice, possibly remove the salt from the prescription.
Another information
Colloidal silver :
- strong antiviral
- antibacterial
- anti-fungal
- anti-inflammatory
- Heals wounds
- good in treating sinusitis, otitis and conjunctivitis
- anti-irritation, red eyes and ear infections (irritations caused by bacteria and fungi)
- treatment of burns, acne, eczema and psoriasis.
- good for respiratory diseases (sore throat, cough, pharyngitis, pneumonia, ...)
- good in treating autoimmune diseases (including HIV / AIDS and those with hepatitis C or cancer)
- improves the condition of patients with herpes, shingles, warts, diabetes, TB and pneumonia
- treats colds and flu
- relieves gastrointestinal disorders
- effective against Staphylococcus aureus and candida
- helps patients with Lyme disease
Colloidal silver does not create addiction
Propolis Tincture::
- antiviral
- antibacterial
- adjuvant in colds and flu
- good in treating respiratory diseases: tracheitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, dry cough, convulsions, pulmonary TB, ...
- digestive
- good for enteritis
- good for stomach (ulcer)
- helps in case of hypertension
- good in cystitis, pyelonephritis, nephritis, rhino-urinary tract infections
- prevents infections
- adjuvant inflammation of the kidneys or liver
- pain in the legs
- old wounds, burns
Methylene Blue:
- analgesic
- local antiseptic
- disinfectant
- very good in respiratory infections: sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, ...
- in various dermatological diseases, stomatitis, ulcerations, skin infections.
- it is applied externally, through mucosal brushings, swabs, tampons
- disinfection of light wounds
- fights effectively against oral cavity infections (simple lesions, painful ulcers, canker sores, ...)
- fight against a urinary tract infection
- useful for removing excess methemoglobin from a person's blood
- to fight malaria
- good soothing and healing wounds
Lemon juice
- strong antioxidant
- regulates the pH of the body
- supports the immune system
- cleanses the digestive system
- eliminates toxins
- antibacterial effect
- decreases the risk of heart attack
- facilitates the absorption of iron
- treats respiratory problems
- maintain oral health
- helps you lose weight
- prevents internal bleeding and is very useful in treating high blood pressure (vitamin P)
- protects the heart
- improves digestion
- antibacterial effect
- anti-inflammatory
- strengthens the immune system
- disinfectant
- good for oral conditions
- alkalizes the body
- fights asthma
- protects cardiovascular health
- relieves muscle pain
- supports digestion
- antihistamine effect
- balances the pH level
- antioxidant
- antibacterial
- anti-inflammatory
- antiviral
- fights nausea
- anticancer
Olive oil
- anti-inflammatory
- antibacterial
- antioxidant
- moisturizing
- relieves asthma and arthritis
The content of this page is informative.
Therefore, for a correct diagnosis and treatment, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
Info ingredients
Info diseases

CoughRespiratory diseasesTypes of cough and fighting with them by natural methods 
Cold and fluImmune system diseasesCold and flu: differences, causes and symptoms, natural remedies Latest articles
Measurement units
| 1 teaspoon | 1 tablespoon |
Water | 5 g | 15 g |
Oil | 4.57 g | 13.72 g |
1 tablespoon (~15ml) = 3 teaspoons (~5ml)Pharmaceutical values:
- 1 drop water = 0.05 ml
- 1 teaspoon water = 100 drops
- 1 ml water - 20 drops
- 1 drop other solutions = 0.04 ml
- 1 teaspoon other solutions = 125 picături
- 1 ml other solutions - 25 drops