Recommended food and food to avoid for liver detoxification

The natural ability of the liver to regenerate can be stimulated by changing diet and lifestyle, by consuming products that have an anti-inflammatory effect and can restore liver function.
The liver is the second largest organ in your body. It helps process nutrients from food and beverages, eliminate toxins and bile secretion. Processed food, alcohol and lack of rest reduce liver function. The liver is no longer able to efficiently metabolize excess sugars and fats in the blood, which leads to their accumulation in liver tissue, damaging its structure. Fatty liver occurs when excess fat in the liver is between 5 and 10% of the volume of this organ.
Fatty liver (hepatic steatosis) is the accumulation of fat in the liver.
Symptoms of a liver full of toxins or fatty liver
- lack of energy;
- weight loss;
- nausea;
- fatigue;
- a slight inflammation in the right side of the abdomen, accompanied by subcostal pain;
- lack of appetite;
- enlargement of the liver.
Liver detoxification
The only way to regenerate and detoxify liver cells is based on a healthy lifestyle: balanced diet, rest, exercise.
A liver detox diet involves giving up certain foods and eating habits that are harmful to the liver and adopting nutritional principles beneficial to its optimal functioning.
Hepatoprotective and hepatoregenerating teas and food supplements are very important in treating fatty liver.
From this category we mention:- silymarin
- artichoke
- thistle
- spiruline
- dandelion
- rostopasca
- St. John's wort
- marigold.
Healthy liver lifestyle
Ways you can reduce your risk of developing fatty liver disease:
- Avoid stress - when cortisol levels rise due to stress the liver is affected;
- Hydrate properly - water supports many body functions by improving cell oxygenation, supporting nutrient transport, eliminating toxins and supporting the body's natural healing processes;
- Rest - for better sleep, avoid prolonged exposure to artificial light and release your bedroom from a TV, laptop or other “gadgets” that may distract you;
- Eliminate extra pounds if necessary and try to maintain a healthy weight;
- Follow a healthy diet that contains a low amount of animal fats, but is rich in vegetables, fruits and healthy fats that help the fatty liver to cleanse itself of toxins;
- Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day;
- Avoid alcohol, as it determines the accumulation of fat in the liver.
Top beneficial foods for cleansing / detoxifying the liver
- Grapefruit: rich in vitamin C and antioxidants (naringenin and naringin), it helps reduce inflammation and protect liver cells and more. In severe cases, up to 4 grapefruits can be consumed per day. To maintain healthy liver function, eat 1 grapefruit a day, 30 minutes before meals;
- Red beet is a vegetable that contains many antioxidants. Bethanine, a pigment that gives it its characteristic color, has hepato-protective and choleretic properties;
- Raw carrots are excellent for protecting the liver. It contains many vitamins, including provitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, and minerals such as potassium and iron. These elements contribute to the proper functioning of the liver;
- Turmeric (Curcuma longa) improves the body's ability to digest fats and helps eliminate fat deposits. The active substances it contains decrease the volume of the enlarged liver due to inflammation caused by fatty liver disease. In addition, it neutralizes the action of free radicals to stop the destruction of liver cells. Turmeric is rich in curcumin, an antioxidant pigment that gives it a yellow color. It stimulates bile function and helps the liver get rid of toxins;
- Lemon and Lime: These citrus fruits will help you cleanse your liver of toxins. If they are from organic sources, then, even better ... you can even consume them including skin;
- Green tea – is very useful in the detoxification process, reduces the storage of fat in the liver, helps lower cholesterol and can improve liver function. With a high content of catechins, green tea helps neutralize and eliminate toxins, stimulates bile formation, is beneficial in keeping under control the lipid metabolism and, last but not least, normalizes the content of enzymes;
- Avocado - provides protection to liver tissue and contains chemicals that slow down liver damage. It is an excellent source of antioxidants and good natural fatty acids that help improve liver function;
- Nettle - is full of nutritional qualities. It contains many active ingredients, oligo-elements and minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron and a high concentration of vitamins (group B, vitamins C and E in particular). Stimulates bile secretions;
- Spinach helps ensure the daily intake of vitamin K. Its leaves are a concentrate of minerals and oligo-elements such as potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and vitamins, including vitamins A, C, E. They also contain antioxidants such as lutein or zeaxanthin. Consumption of spinach stimulates the action of hepatocytes;
- Broccoli, spinach, salad, cabbage, asparagus and other green vegetables - by eating more greens, such as broccoli, spinach, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, kale, nettles, stevia, you can prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver and help weight loss process;
- Oilseeds, such as nuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to eat raw oilseeds (nuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts);
- Apples, especially green ones, are very rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Pectins and other components of apples can help eliminate toxins;
- Strawberries are very rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, they contain salicylic acid which acts favorably on the proper functioning of the liver;
- Blueberries are fruits rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. They contain in particular anthocyanins (pigments present in the skin) which have protective and stimulating properties for liver function;
- Garlic helps reduce body weight and fat at people with liver disease. Its consumption combats insulin resistance, oxidative stress and, at the same time, improves fat metabolism. Contains active ingredients, allicin and quercitin, as well as selenium, which stimulates the liver in its activity of cleansing the blood;
- Thistle helps you protect and regenerate liver cells. You can consume it in the form of tea, tincture or pills. Due to the high content of flavonoids, thistle helps absorb toxins and tone the liver. In addition, it protects cells against oxidative stress and free radicals caused by alcohol intoxication, drugs, chemotherapy and viruses. Silymarin and silybin are extracted from the thistle plant and are recommended to accelerate the regeneration of liver cells;
- Artichoke – is rich in didepside, flavonoids and chlorogenic acids. Helps regenerate and improve liver function, supports the excretion of toxins and waste from the body, being a good diuretic;
- Olive oil – is rich in Omega 3 and helps lower liver enzymes and weight control;
- Fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids improves the health of the liver and fights inflammation. Wild salmon, sardines, tuna and trout are recommended;
- Unsweetened coffee has a protective effect on the liver because it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also stimulates the reduction of blood cholesterol. Caffeine significantly reduces the amount of abnormal liver enzymes at people at risk for liver disease;
- Whole grains, without additives are rich in the group of B vitamins, nutrients known for their ability to facilitate fat metabolism in the functioning of the liver;
- Grapes contain resveratrol in high concentrations, and this antioxidant fights inflammation of the liver, thus reducing liver damage from fatty liver disease;
- Tofu – soy consumption has the role of reducing fat deposits in the liver.
Top 10 foods to avoid
- Alcohol - slows the normal activity of detoxifying the liver, blocks the burning and elimination of body fat and adds extra toxicity to the body, in addition to all the toxins that our body has to fight every day;
- Sugar – avoid concentrated sweets, juices, cakes and any other food that contains sugar or other artificial sweeteners. High blood sugar can increase the accumulation of fat in the liver;
- Carbonated drinks – carbonated drinks contain only empty, non-nutritive calories, dyes, preservatives and E's, which are nothing but "poison" for the body and liver;
- Fried foods – any type of frying is extremely harmful to the body, as it creates toxic products for the liver and colon. By frying, it oxidizes and damages even good fats from vegetable oils, nuts and seeds;
- Overprocessed fast food, semi-prepared foods - are to be avoided because they contain many chemicals. Avoid just about anything that can be bought in a bag in stores: chips, biscuits, canned meat or ready-made and fast food;
- Unhealthy fats - avoid any type of margarine and any type of cream, sauces and mayonnaise that contain unhealthy fats;
- Refined grains - white bread, pasta and rice - can help raise blood sugar;
- Salt - excess salt causes water retention in the body. Limit consumption to 1.5 g per day;
- Fatty meat - high-fat meat should be avoided because it over-stresses the liver. It doesn't matter if you cook the meat or grill it, if it's too much fat, it's not good. Red meat is rich in saturated fat;
- Processed meat loads the liver with toxins. This category includes ham, salami, small, cream sausages and sausages.
How and how much to eat?
- Consume 5 meals a day: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner.
- Try not to eat anything for at least two hours before bedtime;
- Consume daily foods such as: vegetables, fruits, whole grain products (wholemeal flour), olive oil, beans, nuts, legumes and seeds, herbs and spices;
- Eat weekly: chicken, eggs, cheese, yogurt, fish and seafood;
- Consume monthly: red meat (beef, pork, game, lamb) and sweets.
By adopting a healthy lifestyle, a proper diet and exercising regularly, you will be able to eliminate fat deposits from the liver.