Top 10 foods that help memory

Paying attention to your diet can really have results on cognitive health and mood.
The best way to support memory is to pay attention to the foods you eat and try as much as you can to increase brain function through healthy products.
When the right foods are eaten at the right ages, they make significant contributions to the development of intelligence and concentration skills.
Following a healthy and balanced diet is good for you physically and at the same time is good for your brain health. Certain foods contain nutrients that help maintain healthy brain, including healthy fats, fiber, protein, vitamins and antioxidants. All of these can increase memory and concentration and even provide protective effects against brain diseases, including Alzheimer's and dementia.
10 foods that help memory
Eating a healthy, balanced diet that includes these 10 foods daily stimulates your brain, can help you keep your memory and concentration:
1. Salmon
Salmon is part of the category of fatty fish, due to the fact that it has rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. About 60% of the human brain is made up of fat, and half of that fat is omega-3, all of which is essential for learning and memory.
Omega 3 also has some additional benefits for your brain:
- can slow down age-related mental decline and help prevent Alzheimer's disease
- if you do not get enough omega-3 you may develop concentration disorders, learning limitations and depression.
In short: almon is a rich source of omega-3, an important element of the brain. Omega-3 plays a role in developing memory and improving mood, as well as protecting the brain from decline.
2. Coffee
If coffee is your favorite in the morning, you should know that it also has memory benefits. Two main components of coffee - caffeine and antioxidants - help your brain.
It has been found that a number of positive effects of coffee on the brain include:
- Increased alertness: caffeine keeps your brain alert by blocking the chemical messenger that makes you sleepy;
- Improved mood: caffeine can also stimulate one of the chemicals that make you feel good, such as serotonin;
- Increased concentration: one study found that when participants drank large amounts of coffee in the morning or smaller amounts during the day, they were more effective at tasks that required concentration.
Long-term coffee consumption is also linked to a much lower degree of neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. This may be due to the high antioxidant concentration of coffee.
⚠ Consume coffee without sugar or other sweeteners and thus you will get the most out of its properties. You can add a little cinnamon, turmeric or ginger to the coffee. Try as much as possible to avoid sugar and even milk in coffee.
In short: coffee can help increase alertness and mood. It can also provide protection against Alzheimer's, thanks to its caffeine and antioxidants.
3. Blueberries
Blueberries, due to the fact that they are intensely colored, deliver anthocyanins, a group of plant compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Antioxidants work against both oxidative stress and diseases that can contribute to brain aging and diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Huntington's disease.
The results of several studies have led to the conclusion that some of the antioxidants in blueberries accumulate in the brain and help improve communication between its cells.
Try adding them to cereals for breakfast or adding them to natural juices.
In short: blueberries are full of antioxidants that can delay brain aging and improve memory.
4. Curcuma (Turmeric)
Curcuma orturmeric - an intense yellow spice - is a key ingredient if you want flavored food and has a number of benefits for the brain.
Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has been shown to cross the physiological barrier that exists between the blood system and the central nervous system. This means that it can enter the brain directly and help brain cells.
Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that has the following benefits for the brain: :
- Can improve memory: curcumin can help improve memory in people with Alzheimer's and can help clean amyloid plaques - which are the hallmark of this disease;
- Relieves depression: stimulates serotonin and dopamine which improves mood. One study shows that curcumin has relieved the symptoms of depression as intensely as an antidepressant in six weeks;
- Helps the growth of new brain cells: curcumin stimulates a type of growth hormone that helps the development of brain cells and can also help delay age-related mental decline.
To take advantage of the benefits of turmeric, try cooking with curry powder, adding turmeric to dishes or you can even try drinking teas, coffee and other beverages in which to add this ingredient.
In short: turmeric is an impactful ingredient with many anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits that help the brain; it can reduce the symptoms of depression and Alzheimer's disease.
5. Broccoli
Broccoli is full of powerful compounds, including antioxidants. It is also very rich in vitamin K, providing a high percentage of the recommended daily intake, if consumed daily, at least a portion of a small bowl, the equivalent of 91 grams.
This fat-soluble vitamin K is essential for the formation of sphingolipids - a type of fat that accumulates in brain cells.
Studies have shown a close link between higher vitamin K intake and better memory.
In addition to vitamin K, broccoli contains a number of compounds that allow it to generate anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which can help protect the brain.
In short: broccoli has a number of compounds that have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, largely due to the significant concentration of vitamin K.
6. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are rich in powerful antioxidants that protect the body and brain from free radical damage. They are also an excellent source of magnesium, iron, zinc and copper. All these nutrients are important for the brain:
- Zinc: this element is essential for nerve signals. Zinc deficiency or lack can cause many neurological conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, depression and Parkinson's disease;
- Magnesium: magnesium is also essential for learning and especially for memory in general. Low magnesium levels can cause many neurological diseases, including migraines, depression and epilepsy;
- Copper: the brain generally uses copper to help control nerve signals. And when copper levels are low, there is a higher risk of disorders such as Alzheimer's;
- Iron: iron deficiency can be characterized by brain fog and disorders of brain function.
In short: pumpkin seeds are rich in many micronutrients that are important for brain function, including copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.
7. Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate contains brain-stimulating compounds, including flavonoids, caffeine and antioxidants.
Flavonoids are plant compounds that color plants in vivid and intense shades. The chocolate ones gather in the areas of the brain that deal with the functions of memorization and learning. Researchers say these compounds can boost memory and also help slow down age-related mental decline.
In a study that included more than 900 people, those who consumed chocolate more frequently performed better in a range of mental tasks, including some involving memory, than those who consumed it infrequently.
Chocolate is also a legitimate stimulant of mood, according to research.
One study found that participants who ate chocolate experienced increased positive feelings and the delicious aroma of chocolate made people happy.
⚠ Look for that dark chocolate that has a high concentration of cocoa (90% cocoa) and less sugar.
In short: chocolate flavonoids can help protect the brain. Studies have suggested that chocolate consumption could improve both memory and mood.
8. Nuts
Research has shown that eating nuts can improve heart health, and a healthy heart is also linked to a healthy brain.
An extensive study also found that people who ate nuts regularly for several years had a clearer memory compared to those who did not eat nuts.
Several nutrients in nuts, such as healthy fats, antioxidants and vitamin E, may explain the benefits that nuts provide to the brain and thus to its health.
Vitamin E protects cell membranes from free radical damage, helping to slow down mental decline.
Nuts can have an added benefit, as they also deliver omega-3 fatty acids.
In short: nuts contain a number of nutrients that stimulate the brain, including vitamin E, healthy fats and plant compounds.
9. Oranges
A person can get all the dose of vitamin C he needs in a day, just by consuming a medium-sized orange.
Vitamin C is a key factor in preventing mental decline, which is why you should consider the benefits of this fruit.
If you eat enough vitamin C-rich foods, this can protect you from age-related mental decline.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals that can damage brain cells. In addition, it supports brain health as you age.
In short: oranges and other foods rich in vitamin C can help protect your brain from free radicals’ damage.
10. Eggs
Eggs are a good source of nutrients related to brain health, including vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid and choline. Choline is an important micronutrient that the body uses to generate acetylcholine, which is an important neurotransmitter for adjusting mood and memory.
Higher choline intake helps memory and mental functions.
Eating eggs is an easy way to get choline, given that egg yolks are among the most concentrated sources of this nutrient. A single egg yolk contains 112 mg of choline.
Moreover, B vitamins have many roles in brain health. They can help slow the progression of mental decline in the elderly.
Also, the lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid has been linked to depression.
Folic acid supplements can help minimize age-related mental decline, and B12 is involved in synthesizing brain chemicals and regulating brain sugar levels.
In short: eggs are a rich source of several B vitamins and choline, which are important for the proper functioning and development of the brain, as well as for mood control.
Other foods that help memory:
- Pepper
- Kiwi
- Tomatoes
- Strawberries
- Cabbage
- Flaxseeds
- Chia
- Spinach
- Avocado
- Bananas.
The intestine and the brain are intrinsically linked, so anything you eat or drink can affect the brain. The digestive system is responsible not only for the proper functioning of the body, but also provides the brain with key nutrients from food.
Thus, all these foods lead to the production of key substances that enter the brain and have a significant impact on memory and cognitive function.
Image by John Hain from Pixabay