Helicobacter Pylori
Helicobacter Pylori bacterium – what it is, causes, how it is treated through natural remedies

Helicobacter Pylori is a bacterium that grows in the stomach and can lead to serious diseases: it is responsible for chronic gastritis or ulcer. Present at over half of the world's population, the diagnostic is made based on tests, when symptoms specific to the infection are manifested. As treatment, antibiotics or a natural alternative are recommended.
The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is present in the body of two thirds of the entire population, but normally has no alarming symptoms to indicate its presence. If it is kept inactive, then you will not suffer from it. Otherwise, it can become the main cause for diseases such as gastritis, ulcer and, in a more severe form, even gastric cancer. The germs of the bacterium act by attacking the lining of the stomach, which - usually - protects it against the acid used by the body to digest food. After the bacterium penetrates the lining and causes damage, the acid can enter the stomach (which is no longer protected) and the cells of the immune system can no longer eliminate it. From here, major health complications can occur.
The pathogen agent H. pylori can also be taken from contact or exchange of fluids with other people (kissing, oral sex), is transmitted through contaminated food or water, from various infected tools or stools. Extremely resistant to antibiotics, Helicobacter pylori infection can be eradicated through natural treatments, dietary supplements or other handy methods.
Characteristics of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori
Among the characteristics of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is that:
- is easily adaptable to the acid environment of the stomach; in fact, in order to ensure its survival, it is able to reduce local acidity to an optimal level;
- has a spiral shape (helix shape), this feature being the one that gave its name ("helicon" means "spiral" in Greek);
- normally, the bacterium is harmless if it is not activated;
- it is acquired especially during childhood;
- it is a gram-negative bacterium (has a thin cell wall, covered by a cytoplasmic membrane to the inside of the bacterial cell and an outer membrane) and is difficult to remove from infections, because the membrane protects it from external agents, such as drugs.
Causes of Helicobacter pylori infection
The risk of spreading Helicobacter pylori infection is a high one if hygiene is poor, if access to clean water is limited or living conditions are poor. Other causes are as follows:
- lack of minimum hygiene conditions;
- a drinking water source is missing;
- most people become infected with the bacterium in childhood (once ingested, it can cause or not symptoms for years; once strained through the lining that protects the stomach, it will attach to the deep layers of the "padding";
- oral transmission from one person to another (either by contact with saliva or stools).
Risk factors for the development of an infection
Infection with this bacterium is most common in childhood. Among the risk factors that can facilitate its occurrence are included elements such as:
- sharing a living space between several people;
- living in crowded conditions, in confined spaces;
- limited access or lack of clean drinking water;
- living in an underdeveloped country and in insalubrious conditions;
- cohabitation with someone who has already been infected.
Complications of the infection
This bacterium can lead to various health complications. Among the most important disorders are the following:
- chronic gastritis;
- gastro-duodenal ulcer;
- perforation of the stomach wall;
- stomach cancer (in rare cases);
- anemia caused by iron deficiency;
- Vitamin B12 deficiency;
- internal bleeding;
- food obstruction in the stomach due to a tumor;
- peritoneum infection.
Symptoms that may indicate infection
Although most people infected with Helicobacter pylori show no symptoms, there are several signs that are associated with it and that may indicate the presence of the bacterium:
- constant bloating;
- abdominal discomfort, especially on an empty stomach;
- fatigue;
- low appetite;
- bad breath;
- stomach burns;
- sudden weight loss;
- early feeling of satiety;
- gastro-esophageal reflux;
- fever;
- dizziness;
- the uncontrollable need to growl excessively;
- a softer consistency stools or diarrhea.
When should you see a doctor?
You should contact a doctor, no matter what health problem you suspect you have, especially if you recognize some of the episodes associated with a Helicobacter pylori infection. Among the most alarming signs that you should consider are:
- severe and persistent pain in the abdomen;
- difficulty in swallowing food;
- darker stools and containing blood;
- vomit that looks like coffee grounds.
Diagnosis of infection
To diagnose this bacterium, a visit to a specialist is required, who is able to decide to test for this infection. For this, tests can be done:
- non-invasive: blood test (only for people who have never been treated for H. pylori infection), stools test, urea respiratory test, molecular test;
- invasive: rapid urease test, with tissue histological section (by testing a sample).
How can you treat Helicobacter pylori through natural methods?
As for treatments for infection with this bacterium, there are several options to choose from - of course, on the recommendation of your doctor, who is best able to know what suits you, depending on your health. Find out below what options do you have and what are the best solutions to treat and improve the symptoms of the infection!
The use of natural remedies
to be administered after a medical consultation
- Manuka honey is prepared by bees from the nectar of the flowers of a shrub with the same name, native to New Zealand (Leptospermum scoparium). With antiviral, antibacterial effects (the higher the level of methylglyoxal / MGO ™, the better) and strong healing properties, its enzymes produce hydrogen peroxide, which gives it antibiotic properties. MGO honey ™ 550 has a maximum level of activity and is recommended in case of Helicobacter pylori infection. Up to 3-4 teaspoons per day should be administered for at least 30 days, in parallel with an adequate diet.
- Stomach Blend is a formula based on a mixture of plants, in the form of vegetable capsules, which maintains local normality, protects the intestinal and gastric lining, has an antibacterial action. Containing 9 herbal extracts and 8 homeopathic components, it is recommended in case of infection with Helicobacter pylori bacterium because it regulates appetite, soothes abdominal pain, increases blood flow at digestive tract level, contributes to gastric mucus production, decreases gastric secretion produced in excess. It will be administered according to the specialist's instructions or 2 capsules 2-3 times/ day, at each meal.
- Mastic Gum acts directly and effectively on this bacterium, through the mastic resin extract, originating from the island of Chios (Greece). It has been used since ancient times to treat gastrointestinal disorders. Mastic Gum has antisecretory and cytoprotective action on the duodenal lining. Take 2 capsules/ day, 1 hour before the first meal.
- Colostrum Prime Life is another natural treatment used for infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, thanks to the composition based on colostrum (the first milk collected from cows in the first 12 hours after parturition), which has antibacterial and antiviral effect and contains up to 35% immunoglobulin. As for the administration, take 1 capsule 1-2 times/ day, between meals.
- Sulforaphane from broccoli or broccoli germs is a natural treatment used for Helicobacter pylori infection, which relieves symptoms and eliminates bacteria. The active substance in broccoli is sulforaphane, which reduces the level of bacterium and stimulates the production of enzymes in the intestines that provide protection against free radicals.
- Para Protex is a natural product that has antiseptic qualities and improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it reduces H. pylori infection, while soothing the associated pain. Take 1 tablet, 3 times a day.
The use of natural products
(keep in mind that these solutions do not replace the treatment indicated by the doctor) - for each there are several online stores that provide the products (Plantum.ro, Secom.ro, Vegis.ro, Apiland.ro, Fares.ro):
- probiotics (good bacteria, which maintain balance in the intestinal microbiome and ensure the proper functioning of the digestive system); found in foods such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, flax seeds, berries, cruciferous vegetables (especially broccoli), pickles, yogurt and other fermented foods;
- organic honey consumed every day, 1-2 teaspoons, prevents the multiplication of bacteria in the stomach cells;
- propolis has amino acids, polyphenols and steroids, and the high content of polyphenolic compounds inhibits the development of H. pylori bacterium;
- green tea has nutrients that reduce the presence of bacterium, helping inflammation in the stomach and relieving symptoms; it has an energizing effect, thus being able to successfully replace coffee, which is forbidden in case of such a diagnosis;
- olive oil has antibacterial properties, with which 8 strains of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori can be controlled, of which 3 resistant to antibiotics;
- garlic is a natural antibiotic and, eaten raw or cooked, can eliminate bacterium from the body;
- ginger is a natural bactericide, which will relieve nausea and vomiting specific to the infection with this bacterium;
- white cabbage acts as a gastric bandage and is one of the most handy natural treatments for H. pylori;
- mastic resin has been used for centuries to treat digestive tract problems;
- lemon essential oil can cure bloating and has carminative properties (soothes abdominal pain and contributes to intestinal gas evacuation);
- turmeric is an Asian spice that inhibits the harmful effects of this bacterium, but its overuse is not recommended;
- licorice root can make sure that the bacterium does not stick to the walls of other stomach cells, although it is already present on the spot;
- a mixture of bayberry oil, marigold and St. John's wort contributes to the health of the mucous membranes, it is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, healing; to be taken before meals, in doses of 10-20 drops at a time.
Administration of food supplements:
- Algo argil contains 100% natural argil from the Tibetan plateau and is recommended for internal use, in case of digestive disorders. The basic treatment will last 3 weeks, the recommended consumption being argil water 3 times / day, followed by a maintenance treatment. Argil neutralizes excess gastric acid, eliminating Helicobacter pylori infections;
- Helicostop inhibits the development of H. pylori in the gastric mucosa, being a natural solution for eradicating the infection. The therapeutic action is provided by the ingredients in the gentian composition, poplar buds (vegetable propolis), mastic resin, stone lichen, cloves essential oil. The dose is 1-2 capsules 3 times/ day, before a meal;
- Pilorix supports the health of the digestive system and provides a selective mechanism that reduces colonization with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the stomach;
- Healthy stomach, D49, capsules from Fares, helps protect the gastric mucosa, helps eliminate digestive discomfort, helps maintain the integrity and function of the gastric mucosa and the normal functioning of the stomach, is a gastric sedative;
- Polygemma 1 stomach contains a combination of gemotherapeutic extracts from: Fig and Black alder buds; helps relieve symptoms of digestive disorders in the stomach and intestines;
- Bayberry oil provides an optimal intake of phytonutrients necessary for the diet, mainly beta-carotene, fat-soluble vitamins D, E, F, K, a series of polyphenolic compounds, polyunsaturated fatty acids, free amino acids and trace elements to support the body's health. Bayberry oil protects and stimulates the regeneration of the digestive tract mucosa;
- Redigest improves quality of life by regulating the functions of the digestive tract and attached glands;
- Reglacid has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory action in the gastrointestinal tract; helps to alleviate mild gastrointestinal disorders and prevent complications and progression to severe forms;
- Se-Spirulin maintains the health of the digestive tract, bile ducts and pancreas, improves digestion, protects the gastrointestinal mucosa, normalizes the intestinal microflora;
- MagAnghinar: supports the health of the digestive tract through the normal functioning of the digestive process;
- Hof Imun Forte (Hofimun forte) has the role of rebalancing the body's defense mechanisms, preventing intercurrent viral diseases, increasing immune resistance to microbial and fungal germs;
- Licorice has a positive influence on digestive disorders, contributes to the restoration of the gastro-duodenal mucosa, is beneficial in regulating intestinal transit;
- Sage oil contributes to the regulation of digestive and biliary function, helping to eliminate gas from the intestine, combats the feeling of discomfort and abdominal tension, it eliminates nausea.
Treatment schemes using food supplements to combat Helicobacter pylori
- The anti-helicobacter treatment scheme is recommended by pharmacists Anca and Adrian Ienin. It contains a combination of phytotherapeutic and gemotherapeutic remedies with specific antihelicobacter action and inhibition of its further development:
- Helicostop: 3x2 capsules/ day, 30 minutes before a meal
- Healthy stomach: 3x1 capsules / day, 15 minutes before a meal
- Polygemma 1 - Stomach: 3x2ml/ day, 15 minutes before meals
- Bayberry oil: 3x20 drops/ day 10 minutes before a meal
- Scheme 1 recommended by Hofigal:
- Redigest: 2 tablets 3 times/ day, before main meals, in 3-week cures, with breaks of 3-5-10 days
- Reglacid: 1 tablet 3 times/ day, 15 minutes before main meals
- Se-spirulina: 2 tablets 3 times / day before meals
- Scheme 2 recommended by Hofigal:
- MagAnghinar: 2 tablets 3 times/ day, 10-15 minutes before a meal
- Hofimun forte: 1 tablet 3 times/ day
- Redigest: 2 tablets 3 times/ day, before main meals, in 3-week cures, with breaks of 3-5-10 days
- Licorice: 2 tablets 3 times/ day, 15 minutes before meals
- Se-spirulina: 2 tablets 3 times/ day, before meals
- Sage oil: 2 tablets 3 times/ day.
- Scheme 3 recommended by Hofigal:
- Redigest: 1 tablet 3 times/ day, before meals
- Se-spirulina: 1 tablet 3 times/ day, before meals
- Licorice: 2 tablets 3 times / day, before meals.
Conventional treatments
Note: relapses can occur in many cases of infection with this bacterium and conventional treatment can have unpleasant side effects.
Pharmaceutical treatments:
- The first option in treating Helicobacter pylori infection is the administration of antibiotics: imidazole (metronidazole and tinidazole), macrolides (clarithromycin or azithromycin), tetracycline, amoxicillin and furazolidone, together with a medicine to reduce stomach acidity or a gastric protector. It should be noted that the bacterium may develop resistance to antibiotics;
- Treatment with proton pump inhibitors, e.g. a combination of antibiotic and antisecretory agents. As inhibitors, the most used is Omeprazole (Omeran, Omez) and, less frequently, Pantoprazole (Controloc), Lansoprazole (Lanzul), Esomeprazole (Nexium, Helides, Emanera) are used as inhibitors;
- Triple therapy based on levofloxacin, clarithromycin and proton pump inhibitor is the second line of treatment;
- Quadruple therapy is a treatment for patients allergic to penicillin and includes treatment with bismuth, proton pump inhibitor (antisecretory), metronidazole and tetracycline. Although it has the highest success rate, the side effects are more significant.
Adopting a modified diet
, which allows the stomach lining to recover and at the same time relieve unpleasant symptoms:
- consumption of foods that help increase the resistance of the stomach lining against H. pylori bacterium and will also relieve symptoms: yogurt, broccoli, cauliflower, boiled vegetables, bell pepper, salmon, berries, teas, rice juice, beaten egg whites, eggs, lean meat on the grill;
- consumption of lemonade, pineapple juice or apple vinegar is beneficial;
- it is forbidden to consume very cold or hot dishes, very sweet or very salty, fried, roasted, canned, sausages, pickles, smoked meats, irritating spices, animal fats, mayonnaise, sweets, black bread, carbonated water, foods and beverages containing alcohol, tobacco.
Prevention of Helicobacter pylori infection
Infection with this bacterium is a disease that predominates especially in the poorest areas of the world. With regard to prevention methods, the following obligations are mentioned:
- consume water from safe sources;
- food must be sufficiently heat processed and correctly cooked;
- hands should be sanitized before meals, washed before and after using the toilet;
- not using the same objects by more than one person (such as cutlery);
- avoid contact with people who are being treated and infected with Helicobacter pylori;
- avoid consumption of food from places that do not seem to comply with the hygienic-sanitary norms;
- eliminate from the diet the products that create discomfort;
- giving up tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption;
- preventive testing for bacterium, although there are no symptoms.
Did you know that...?
- the infection more prevalent in developing countries that in the West?
- the discovery of Helicobacter pylori as the underlying agent of ulcer help find a medical treatment for it?
- several researchers issued the hypothesis that the bacterium spread from East Africa about 58,000 years ago?
- Helicobacter pylori was first discovered in the stomachs of patients with gastritis and ulcer in 1982 by Dr. Barry Marshall and Dr. Robin Warren? It was then believed that no bacterium could live in the acidic environment of the human stomach, so it was only in 2005 that the two doctors received the Nobel Prize in Medicine, in recognition of their discovery.
- a patient undergoing treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection is contagious as long as tests do not show that the bacterium has disappeared from the body?
- the rate of antibiotic resistance in the treatment of H. pylori infection increased worldwide and a recent analysis showed that the rate of eradication has decreased?