Wash them by rinsing them in 1-2 waters.
In a saucepan, add the water, and add the washed dandelion flowers on top. Bring to a boil, over low heat, for ~ 15-20 minutes or from the time it comes to a boil, simmer for ~ 3 minutes more and turn off the heat. Basically a blanching of the dandelion flowers takes place.Cover the pot with the boiled dandelion flowers with a lid and leave to infuse for 24 hours to extract the important elements from the flowers.After 24 hours, strain the syrup through a sieve or gauze. The remaining flowers can be used in poultices/compresses, or you can freeze them and use them when you need them.Put the strained syrup in a saucepan and bring to the boil with the sugar. Simmer for about an hour and a half. During the last 10 minutes add the lemon juice.
Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon while boiling.
Slowly, slowly, you will notice how the syrup changes consistency, i.e. it gets thicker and thicker. To check if the syrup is ready, take a teaspoon, put it on a small plate and put it in the freezer for 2-3 minutes to chill. If the syrup does not run, it is ready.Allow to cool very slightly and then add hot to glass containers. Close/seal these tightly and it is recommended to cover with a blanket to cool slowly.
Being a thick, sugary syrup, it should not be stored in the refrigerator. It is best stored in a dark, cool, well-ventilated place (pantry/storage room).Observations
After the original recipe by Maria Treben (Austrian botanist and author, she was considered a specialist in the field of herbal medicines and other alternative treatment methods in the tradition of Sebastian Kneipp).
Dandelion syrup is also called dandelion honey!
The advantage of this syrup is that it can be kept for up to 1-2 years if stored in optimal conditions. I personally recommend the dandelion macerate with honey for the dandelion blossom season, and the syrup with sugar for the off-season.
Dandelion flowers are harvested on sunny days, at midday, when the flowers are fully open. You will also notice that when brought indoors, the flowers begin to close.
It is important that the plant is harvested from unpolluted areas.
Lemons also help to prevent the syrup from crystallizing, and will give the syrup a pleasant aroma.
In spring the cure with this dandelion syrup should not be missing.
Dandelion can be used in various remedies (teas, tinctures, syrups): flowers, stems, root
Store this syrup in a cool, airy place in a cupboard.
Dandelions contain a lot of potassium and this helps regulate blood pressure.
⚠ In her books, Maria Treben recommends dandelion syrup as a herbal treatment for cleansing the blood, liver and kidneys.
It can be taken as is, 1-2 teaspoons in the morning, possibly on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before a meal.
It can also be consumed as a refreshing drink with still or mineral water.
Dr. Constantin Milica even recommends as a breakfast: 1 tablespoon with a slice of bread with butter.
Effects and benefits
- detoxifies the body (eliminates toxins)
- hepatoprotective (protects the liver), promotes bile and liver secretions, stimulates liver activity
- purifies the blood (cleanses the blood of toxins)
- may prevent type 2 diabetes
- lowers blood pressure
- prevents heart disease;
- antioxidant effect, fights free radicals, prevents cell ageing
- rich in vitamins : A, C, B1, B6, B6, H, K (357 of dzr)
- rich in minerals: magnesium, calcium, potassium, potassium, silicon, copper, phosphorus, zinc, manganese and iron
- rich in lutein, beta-carotene
- treats kidney diseases
- diuretic
- keeps bad cholesterol (LDL) under control, prevents fat deposits on blood vessels
- improves digestion and prevents bloating
- beneficial effects on hormone regulation
- beware of diabetics, who are not allowed to eat sugar
- caution for those allergic to the ingredients mentioned
Another information
Dandelion leaves are high in protein (14% of the recommended daily allowance), more than spinach, and contain all the essential amino acids, 1 cup of chopped dandelion leaves contains 1.5g protein.
Dandelion flowers brought into the house we'll notice how they squeeze/close!
The content of this page is informative.
Therefore, for a correct diagnosis and treatment, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
Info ingredients

LemonFruitsLemon: miraculous health and beauty benefits Info diseases

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High cholesterolCirculatory diseasesAll about high cholesterol: normal level, causes and natural remedies Latest articles
Measurement units
| 1 teaspoon | 1 tablespoon |
Water | 5 g | 15 g |
1 tablespoon (~15ml) = 3 teaspoons (~5ml)Pharmaceutical values:
- 1 drop water = 0.05 ml
- 1 teaspoon water = 100 drops
- 1 ml water - 20 drops
- 1 drop other solutions = 0.04 ml
- 1 teaspoon other solutions = 125 picături
- 1 ml other solutions - 25 drops