Diabetes mellitus – causes, symptoms and natural remedies with which it can be controlled

Considered a global plague, diabetes is the most prevalent metabolic condition. It is a chronic disease that occurs when high blood glucose levels can no longer be regulated with insulin. Even if it cannot be fully treated, non-insulin-dependent diabetes can be controlled with natural remedies that adjusts blood sugar.
Diabetes is a metabolic condition in which the body can no longer process blood sugar. Normally, the hormone called insulin allows the transport of blood sugar to the cells of the body, where it is stored or used for energy production. At people with diabetes, the body either does not produce enough insulin or cannot use the insulin at its disposal to regulate the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Untreated, increased blood sugar due to diabetes can affect nerves, eyes, kidneys and other organs. The most important complications of diabetes are cardiovascular disease, stroke and ischemia of peripheral arteries (diabetic foot).
Types of diabetes and risk factors
There are three major types of diabetes, plus the prediabetic stage – when blood sugar is increased, but not enough to be diagnosed with diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes
(type 1 diabetes mellitus): is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile-onset diabetes, due to the fact that at most patients who develop this form of diabetes, the disease starts before the age of 30. In this case are people whose body no longer produces any insulin and who need to take a daily dose to survive. Risk factors for type 1 diabetes are generally genetic.Type 2 diabetes
: this condition occurs mainly as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, being a metabolic condition. The body either produces insulin, but the body's cells no longer react sufficiently to it, or it does not produce enough insulin to regulate blood sugar. This type of diabetes is associated with obesity and can be controlled through lifestyle changes. The most at risk are overweight people, over 45 years of age, sedentary, with hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and who have cases of diabetes in their family.Gestational diabetes
: this type of diabetes manifests itself during pregnancy, when the pregnant body becomes less sensitive to insulin. Gestational diabetes does not occur at all women and often passes after pregnancy. Most women with gestational diabetes have no symptoms and the condition is discovered at a routine blood glucose check in pregnancy. Women who are overweight, over 25 years old, have a family history of diabetes and have polycystic ovary syndrome have a higher risk of developing gestational diabetes.Prediabetes
: even if it is not a condition in itself, prediabetes is the final threshold before the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. In general, doctors consider that a person has prediabetes, when his blood sugar is between 100 and 125 mg/dL. Healthy people have blood sugar between 70 and 99 mg/dL and the diagnosis of diabetes is put from 126mg/dL upwards. Healthy people have blood sugar between 70 and 99 mg/dL and the diagnosis of diabetes is put from 126mg/dL upwards. People with prediabetes can avoid the final diagnosis if they make lifestyle changes and use natural remedies to keep their blood sugar under control.
Symptoms of diabetes
Symptoms of diabetes patients are mainly caused by increased blood sugar levels (increased blood sugar). General symptoms include:
- Increased hungry feeling
- Feeling of strong thirst
- Unexplained weight loss
- Frequent urination
- Blurred vision
- Extreme fatigue
- Wounds that heal hard
- Erectile dysfunction (at men)
- Urinary tract infections (at women)
- Recurrent fungal infections (at women).
Natural remedies for diabetes control
Even though diabetes is an irreversible chronic condition, type 2 diabetes can be controlled by taking natural remedies that regulate blood glucose levels. Any treatment with herbal remedies should be discussed before with the attending physician.
Among the most effective remedies that control type 2 diabetes include:
- Aloe Vera: aloe vera juice regulates blood sugar and lowers the level of lipids (fats) in the blood. In addition, aloe vera gel is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and fastens the healing of some wounds or ulcers associated with diabetes (diabetic foot). Attention to the laxative effect of aloe vera gel.
- Blueberry extract: thanks to anthocyanides in the composition of blueberries, blueberry extract is successfully used to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. In addition, blueberry extract improves circulation and prevents the formation of blood clots, common complications of diabetes. Increased attention when taking medicines that reduce blood glucose levels, in order not to install hypoglycaemia.
- Bitter cucumber: this cucumber-like fruit contains several substances that reduce blood sugar levels, including polypeptide-p, a vegetable compound similar to body-produced insulin. Another compound of bitter cucumber is lectin, which suppresses appetite and helps regulate blood sugar levels.
- Cinnamon: studies have shown that a daily dose of 1-3 grams of cinnamon can reduce glucose, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in the blood after a course of approximately 40 days. In addition, cinnamon increases the body's sensitivity to insulin, thus keeping the type 2 dibet under control.
- Fenugreek: also known as Greek hay, fenugreek is a plant whose seeds are rich in soluble fiber and help reduce blood sugar levels by slowing down digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.
- Ginger: gingerols, compounds in ginger rhizomes, act in the blood like insulin, allowing the passage of blood sugar into muscle cells. In addition, ginger extract stimulates insulin production.
- Milk thistle: this plant has been used since ancient times as a liver tonic, thanks to silymarin, a compound with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can regulate blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
- Apple cider vinegar: acetic acid from apple cider vinegar has countless curative properties. 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar, taken at the table, can reduce the glycemic intake of a low-carb lunch.
- Barley: doctors recommend eating fiber, to lower blood sugar levels and increase the concentration of insulin in the body. Barley is one of the cereals full of protein and fiber, which is easy to cook and can be incorporated into any diet.
- Berberine: is an alkaloid extracted from plants such as gentian or gooseberries, which increases the amount of insulin produced by the body and decreases cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This extract is never given during pregnancy.
- Gymnema sylvestre: a plant used for many centuries in India, in ayurveda practice, for its properties of slowing sugar metabolism. It is also known as the "sugar destroyer" and can be consumed in the form of natural supplements.
- Ginseng: about this plant studies have shown that it can reduce blood glucose levels immediately after eating.
- Chromium: chromium deficiency affects glucose metabolism, so chromium supplements can help regulate blood sugar at people with diabetes. Caution if you suffer from kidney disease, this mineral can affect the kidneys.
- Zinc: people with diabetes often have zinc deficiency. Zinc supplements can lower blood glucose levels and, due to the antioxidant effect, treat certain complications of diabetes.
- Magnesium: magnesium deficiency reduces insulin production in the pancreas and increases insulin resistance in the body. People who have a high-magnesium diet have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
In conclusion, although diabetes cannot be fully treated, in cases that are not insulin-dependent, the condition can be controlled with the help of diet, lifestyle and appropriate treatment. Natural remedies that regulate blood sugar levels help control diabetes. Talk to your doctor about any supplements or foods you want to include in your diet to make sure they don't interfere with the medicines you're already taking. If symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, insomnia or anxiety occur, discontinue treatment with natural remedies and contact your doctor immediately.