Sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate is a chemical compound that belongs to the category of salts, also known scientifically as sodium hydrogen carbonate.
Sodium bicarbonate is formed from the acid carbonate radical (HCO3-) and the sodium ion (Na+) and is a versatile ingredient, easily found in any household, which is a great help even in the most unusual situations, if you know how to use it.

Most often, baking soda is used as a fermenting agent for kitchen preparations, but in addition to this benefit, we add countless other health benefits, cleaning, deodorizing and more.

Nutrition facts baking soda (100 g):

Being a chemical compound, baking soda does not contain the vitamins and minerals that we are used to finding in other ingredients, but it does contain two very important minerals such as:
- Sodium - Natrium 27361.0 mg;
- Selenium 0.20 mcg.

Benefits of baking soda

As previously mentioned, baking soda brings a wide range of benefits in the kitchen and beyond, and is a must-have in your ingredient cupboard. Some of the health benefits of baking soda include:

  • It helps the kidneys: all you have to do is dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it daily if you have kidney kidney disease. Of course, it's advisable to seek medical advice before doing this, as each body has its own way of reacting, and this reduces the risk of complications.
  • It keeps urinary tract infections at bay, so dilute two teaspoons of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water and drink the mixture slowly to lower urinary acidity levels. You can quietly repeat this twice a week until symptoms disappear.
  • Baking soda treats foot fungus. When your toenails peel off at the corner of your toenail, turn yellow or brown, then the chances of them being affected by fungus increase significantly. Baking soda is a natural alternative to drugstore medicated solutions, so you can add two tablespoons of baking soda to half a cup of apple cider vinegar in a bowl, stir until dissolved, and then dip the affected fingernail in the bowl. After about five minutes, dry the nail with a paper towel and repeat this procedure twice a day.
  • Baking soda eliminates muscle fever. The lactic acid produced in the body after an intense sports session results in muscle fever. This can be reduced if you drink a teaspoon of bicarbonate diluted in a liter of water after going to the gym.
  • Eliminates acid reflux burns. You can dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of cold water and drink the mixture. The effect is to neutralize stomach acid after a rich meal.
  • Bicarbonate soothes diaper rash. Bathe your baby in a mixture of lukewarm water and one or two tablespoons of baking soda to soothe diaper rash.
  • Insect bites. Add a few drops of water to a teaspoon of baking soda to create a paste. Apply the paste to the stung area, wait for five minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Baking soda has the power to eliminate stinging nettles, so applying a thick layer of baking soda paste (three teaspoons of baking soda and one teaspoon of water) to the affected area will reduce the stinging.
  • Baking soda has the power to reduce the pain of sunburn. Cover clean skin (using cleansing pads) with a paste of equal parts water and baking soda, leave it on for five to 10 minutes, then rinse the skin with cool water and repeat the process until the burn subsides. You can also try pouring baking soda into the bathtub, then bathing in it.
  • Baking soda reduces the pain of canker sores. So if you rinse once a day with a mixture of a teaspoon of baking soda and a cup of water for a few days, the canker sores will go away.
  • Baking soda has the power to whiten the skin, so if you mix one or two tablespoons with rose water, you'll get a paste that can be applied to the skin on blemished areas. Wait a minute, then massage gently with your fingertips. Rinse face thoroughly with lukewarm water, then moisturize. You can repeat this twice a week to reduce blemished areas and brighten the skin.
  • Baking soda prevents pimples and acne. Known for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, baking soda reduces many skin inflammations, including pimples and acne. Mix two teaspoons of baking soda with a little water to make a paste, apply the paste to the affected areas, leave for a few minutes, then rinse with water and moisturize the skin.
  • Baking soda whitens teeth. Brush your teeth as usual, but sprinkle a little baking soda over the paste before and repeat every three days.
  • Freshen your breath by dissolving a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water and use it as mouthwash.
  • Baking soda prevents corns. So if you frequently get thickened skin on your feet and get corns, it's a good idea to buy a special electric heel-cleansing pad to clean your heels, to prevent corns from forming, soak your soles in a mixture of warm water and baking soda after each long day on your feet.

Contraindications and side effects

As we learned earlier, baking soda brings countless benefits, but if used in excess over the long term, it can harm the body. The side effects of bicarbonate include:

  • If used excessively, baking soda increases the risk of ulcers. We know that sodium bicarbonate can be used to relieve heartburn, but if used in excess, it increases the risk of developing stomach ulcers.
  • Sodium bicarbonate can pose a risk to heart and kidney patients. If not used in moderation, side effects can include: edema, nausea, abdominal discomfort over time.
  • It can damage the health of teeth and gums. Dental specialists say that baking soda is far too strong to be in direct contact with teeth and gums, and used over the long term, it weakens enamel and can damage gums.
  • Watch your complexion. Baking soda is used as a scrub to cleanse the complexion, but people with sensitive skin should not use such masks without consulting a dermatologist.
  • Be careful how you add it to pharmaceutical preparations. There are sources online that say that baking soda can be used to improve the effect of solutions for nasal decongestion. We should be aware that the formulas of the medicines are complete and they should not be taken out of the original containers. Also, any new ingredient will alter the formula of the medicine.

How sodium bicarbonate can be consumed

As mentioned so far, sodium bicarbonate can be used in countless forms: it can be used in preparations, as a leavening agent (for cakes or cheques), it can be mixed and drunk with water, it can be used to alleviate various ailments when mixed with water.
Baking soda is a product that brings countless benefits to your home, as long as you know all its secrets and uses. If we have convinced you of the benefits of this ingredient, buy it and enjoy the advantages it brings.

Summary of beneficial effects:

- It helps the kidneys;
- Combats urinary tract effects;
- Treats foot fungus;
- Eliminates muscle fever;
- Eliminates heartburn;
- Soothes diaper rash;
- Soothes insect bites;
- Eliminates stinging caused by nettles;
- Reduces sunburn pain;
- Reduces the pain of mouth canker sores;
- Whitens skin;
- Prevents pimples and acne;
- Whitens teeth;
- Freshens breath;
- Prevents corns.

Summary contraindications:

- Increases the risk of ulcers;
- A risk for heart and kidney patients;
- Can harm the health of teeth and gums;
- May adversely affect the complexion;
- Do not add in pharmaceutical preparations.


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