Revitalizing smoothie with nettles, spinach, ginger and lemon

Juices Very easy 1 servings Subscribe to youtube channel
Preparation time4 min
Waiting time--
Ready in4 min

A dose of health in spring with top ingredients nettle, spinach, ginger and lemon with honey: A smoothie rich in a variety of essential nutrients: vitamins, minerals and proteins.


A glass of fresh smoothie ~200-250ml



Estimated cost: 0.5 €


- blender (Nutribullet)


  • Wash the nettles and spinach well in 2 waters, shaking off excess water.
  • Wash and then peel the ginger. Cut it into thin, small slices.
    Wash and peel the lemon, then cut it into smaller slices.
  • Revitalizing smoothie with nettles, spinach, ginger and lemon - Preparation step 3It is recommended to break the spinach into several smaller pieces, and do the same with ingredients that are too large.
    Add all the ingredients to the blender and mix until a thick juice results. If they do not blend properly, you can add a little water. Also add water if the blend obtained is too thick. The result should be a thick smoothie, but one that flows, ... not sticking to the walls of the blender. In this recipe, I added the lemon precisely to fluidize the smoothie...
  • Revitalizing smoothie with nettles, spinach, ginger and lemon - Preparation step 4Nettle, spinach, ginger and lemon smoothie with honey is drunk fresh, right after you make it...


→ Diabetics are advised to avoid honey.

→ Ideally, the juice should be consumed in small sips, over a few minutes (~5 minutes).

→ It is recommended that nettles and spinach be washed just before preparing the juice!


This smoothie is a source of health, and one smoothie a day during nettle season is enough. You can drink up to 3-5 smoothies a day, however, it is recommended not to overdo it.

It is recommended to consume immediately after preparation, on an empty stomach, and after, not to eat for ~30 minutes, for better absorption of nutrients.

If it seems too thick, you can dilute it with a little water (you can do this right when blending/mixing)

Effects and benefits

  • tonic
  • vitaminizing (vitamins K, A, B2, B6, E, C, ..)
  • mineralizing (manganese, folate, copper, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, silicon, zinc, phosphates)
  • rich in proteins, in the main amino acids (especially from nettle)
  • antianemic
  • strengthens immunity
  • rich in chlorophyll
  • antioxidant
  • regulates blood sugar levels
  • recommended for diabetics
  • improves cholesterol levels
  • regulates blood pressure
  • detoxifies the body
  • anti-inflammatory effect
  • improves digestion
  • helps regenerate the liver
  • cleanses the colon
  • anti-aging effect
  • balances the PH
  • fights cancer, especially colon

Side effects

  • can lower blood sugar
  • can lead to diarrhea if consumed very cold and in large quantities


  • people who suffer from blood clotting problems (thrombosis), or - people who are about to have surgery;
  • people who suffer from diarrhea;
  • people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, colitis;
  • people with heart failure, hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • people with kidney failure;
  • contraindicated in pregnant women


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