Nettles – health benefits and ways of use

Nettle is one of the historical plants with multiple benefits both in the kitchen and for health (including in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries). It is succulent, nutritious, it provides us with a variety of nutrients, which is why it has become extremely well known and appreciated around the world.
Nettle, known worldwide as the "blinds plant" because it is easily recognized only by touch, is one of the few plants we can use entirely (leaves, stem, root), due to the numerous benefits it has for our health and beauty. Thus, the knowledge of its many benefits is the exploitation of the historical, cultural and medicinal heritage of all time.
What do nettles contain and why are they recommended for health?
Originally used strictly in the preparation of dishes, due to its rare aroma, nettle has gradually become increasingly known for its therapeutic benefits, as nettle leaves provide us with a variety of nutrients, among which we mention:
- Protein: is the plant with the highest amount of protein;
- Vitamins: Vitamin A, C and K, as well as several B vitamins;
- Minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium;
- Fats: linoleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid;
- Amino acids: all essential amino acids;
- Polyphenols: Kaempferol, Quercetin, Caffeic Acid, Coumarine and other flavonoids;
- Pigments: beta-carotene, lutein, luteoxantine and other carotenoids.
What exactly is consumed from the nettle?
Everything is consumed from the nettle: leaves, stem, seeds, roots!
- Leaves: fresh or dried;
- Seeds: through August can be harvested by shaking;
- Strain: generally dry;
- Root: generally dry, in the form of decoction, or ground powder.
The health benefits of nettles and how they can be consumed
The nettles have many wonder properties and depending on the condition we face, it is recommended to consume them in different forms:
Treatment for back pain and intense muscle conditions
The anti-inflammatory properties of nettles can alleviate both muscle and joint pain. This is why they are especially effective in treating diseases related to inflammation, such as arthritis, muscle tension, gout, tendinitis or plantar fasciitis.
Consumption of nettles lowers blood sugar and blood pressure
Thus having an inhibitory effect on the blood.
Treatment of intimate problems
Nettle improves prostate problems due to its anti-inflammatory properties, such as enlarged prostate or prostate hyperplasia. In addition, it will also decrease the infection, thus preventing the growth of prostate tissue, reducing its size. It is also used as an astringent to stop external and uterine bleeding.
Strong ally against anemia
As it promotes the absorption of iron. Also, due to the high vitamin content, nettle is a powerful revitalizer, which is very useful for treating problems of anemia, especially at children.
Acts as a detoxifier, has a depurative effect
Cleanses the body of toxins and promotes their elimination, as well as disassimilation products (it is also effective against constipation).
Dermatological use
For the treatment of problems with the scalp (sensitive scalp, hair loss), but also for the removal of dandruff. The nettles contain silica and sulfur, two minerals essential for hair health, hair follicles and also nail health. Thus, using them as a tonic or mask can help our hair grow healthier and stronger, giving it shine and volume. To get rid of dandruff, mix the nettle oil with olive oil and massage the scalp well. We repeat this process at least 3 times a week.
Effective treatment for arthritis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism and generalised internal inflammation
The nettles have high anti-inflammatory power, fluidize the blood, ensuring a much better circulation of it.
Improve digestion
The nettles taken in the form of infusion are very beneficial to the stomach. They can reduce heartburn, flatulence and constipation, in addition to improving diarrhea and dysentery.
Treatment of internal and external bleeding
The nettles have a strong anti-hemorrhagic function.
Recommended for the cure of kidney diseases
Due to the ideal diuretic function that nettles have. In addition, they can also help break kidney stones and remove them from the body through urine.
Recommended for personal son of a person with prostate disease
Here, the nettle root prepared by us or from the plate capsules or dry root that we grind at home.
Treatment: 2 tablespoons of powder from nettle root + 2 tablespoons of raw pollen, per day, taken with enough water, ensures, in 3-4 weeks, the resorption of benign prostate adenoma in the early stages, or, in the advanced stage, diminishes suffering and facilitates urination.
Helps regenerate the liver
Due to its rich chlorophyll content, nettle helps to regenerate the liver (blood processing laboratory). Nettle is a very good liver drainer and eliminates the toxicity of drugs.
Effective treatment against respiratory allergies, cough and asthma
The nettles are one of the few natural elements with a high power of histamine, being able to greatly improve allergic symptoms to different agents. Acting as an effective expectorant can also fight respiratory allergies, cough and asthma. In addition, due to their antibacterial properties, nettles rapidly reduce the symptoms of cold or flu.
Effective for treating skin problems
The nettles have antiviral and antibacterial properties, thus being very effective in treating various skin diseases such as acne, dermatitis, pigmented spots, eczema, chickenpox, psoriasis etc. They are also very useful for relieving insect bites. For maximum efficiency, we apply topically, directly to the affected skin area, daily.
Natural treatment against infectious diseases caused by viruses
As it acts as an effective expectorant.
Adjusts blood sugar levels
The nettles help to reduce blood sugar levels, being especially beneficial for people with diabetes.
Anti-aging effect
It works at the cellular level.
Allies of overweight people
The nettles provide satiety to those who consume it, removing anxiety, which is the main cause of obesity problems. The most recommended is to drink a nettle tea a few minutes before the meal.
Reduce fatigue
The nettles are rich in iron, which makes them very beneficial for reducing fatigue, stress or anemia problems.
Wonder ingredient in anti-aging creams
Removes free radicals from cell membranes.
A powerful painkiller
Whether it's muscle pain, stomach pain or headaches, the analgesic properties of nettles will make a single infusion disappear within minutes.
Recommended for sports people
Because they contain so many minerals and vitamins, nettles can be perfectly added to the diet of any person with food deficiency or for those who want to maximize their physical performance.
Accelerates lactation
The consumption of nettles is recommended for breastfeeding women, as they contain hormones that promote milk production.
Treats oral ailments
Nettle infusion treats oral, tongue, gingivitis, ...
Balance PH
Balances the acid-base relationship in the body: PH.
Rich source of silicium
Nettle is one of the natural silicium reservoirs for the human body.
Silicium is the substance that accentuates or diminishes the aging process: wrinkles, joint wear, and wear of skin tissue.
No silicium storage can be made in the body. To ensure a vitalization of the body, we must use the nettle as often and thus we have the necessary silicium support.
How to consume nettles to benefit from all the properties?
This medicinal plant is used almost entirely, since every part of it has an effective role in all the cases mentioned above. And when we say full use of the plant, we mean leaves, stem, even roots, all are used to make soups, infusions, oils, creams, in short, a number of utilities.
As for the use at home, we can consume nettles in the form of:
- Nettle tea: once passed through a previous drying process, nettles can be used as plants in the preparation of tea and infusions.
- Food dishes: nettle leaves can be used both for cooked food (sorbs, food, thistle), but especially for salads.
- Nettle oil: ideal for cosmetic, dermatological use.
- Smoothie – is an ideal ingredient to use in smoothies, along with your favorite fruits. They may be offered to children with anaemic deficiency or performance athletes.
- Frozen juice in the form of cubes – the normal juice is placed in ice bags in the freezer, Then, when needed, serve a cube with a glass of water or other drinks.
- Nettle tincture and pills – in this case only at the prescription and recommendation of the specialist, who will ensure that the dose is the right one and that there is indeed a real need. Generally, consume ~ 15-20 drops of tincture per day with a glass of water.
- Nettle cataplasms - chop nettle, put water of approximately 2 fingers to boil, in a saucepan. When the water boils, stop the fire, and add the nettle until halfway through the saucepan. Turn 2 times in boiling water, then put in a gauze and apply lukewarm or cooled on the painful area (for example, knee) for 1-4 hours. Cataplasms must be ~ 2 cm thick. If the area is red, cold poultices are preferred.
- Touch with nettles the painful areas - touch, then rub with dry corn flour, repeat 2-3 times and the sciatic nerve crisis passes.
Nettle, reliable help in the garden
Less well known is that nettles have protective effect on the plants in our garden, as they repel pests and have healing power on plants.
Contraindications of nettle consumption
As beneficial as nettle is, in case of some people, it can have harmful effects. Thus, nettles are not recommended for those experiencing:
- Hypotension (low blood pressure);
- Renal insufficiency;
- Cardiac insufficiency, as the consumption of nettles may lead to major disturbances or affect the treatment given;
- The nettles are strictly forbidden to pregnant women, as a number of hormones found in this plant can induce premature expulsion of the child.
Nettle is therefore a world-renowned plant, so it is important to know why it is so appreciated and how we can reap its many benefits. Her knowledge is essential for improving our physical, mental and social state and once introduced into our diet, but also into our daily beauty routine, we will be convinced of its effectiveness.
Diseases in which nettle is effective
- acne
- breastfeeding
- anemia
- arthritis
- lumbago
- rheumatism
- wounds
- burns
- herpes
- kidney stones
- nephritic colic
- immunity
- diabetes
- eczema
- psoriasis
- fatigue
- gout
- pregnancy
- cystitis
- throat
- angina
- thrush
- menopause
- osteoporosis
- enuresis
- insect sting
- digestive disorders
- weakened
- abundant menstruation
- water retention
- allergic rhinitis
- stress
- pre-menstrual syndrome
- prostate
- cosmetics
- cellulite
- tired hair
- oily hair
- hair drop
- dandruff
- oily, dry skin
- sick nails.
Nutritional values nettles per 100 g
- Calories: 309 kcal
- Fats: 3.9 g
- Carbohydrates: 25.6
- Protein: 30.9
- Fiber: 23.
Did you know that...?
- During the Roman Empire, nettle was recommended for the treatment of tuberculosis, cough and rheumatic joint diseases.
- In the Middle Ages, nettle was called for decades, the meat of the poor, because it was considered to be very high in protein, gave satiety and it was therapeutic (chronically ill recovered through the consumption of nettle).
- It can be picked without getting sting in rainy weather (rare rain). It is also recommended to pick it from the direction of the spikes (from the bottom hand-up).
- Nettle has more protein than soy. In the plant world the richest protein plant is soy, but because of the hormone that contains it, or because of allergens, nettle is preferred.
- It has 2 times more iron than beef.
- It has 4 times more calcium than in yogurt.
- Dry plant (nettle) contains 40% protein!
- Wash best in 2 waters: the first general wash by rinsing and in the second water put vinegar and leave for a maximum of 5 minutes. The smell of vinegar and its strength destroys insects, so we have a clean nettle.
- The antidote for nettle stings is represented by the leaves of plantain. Rub the place well with the parsley leaf. The sting disappears in a few minutes. Another plant is the mouse coda. You can also use the marigold or actually rub the place with soil!
- It is very rich in chlorophyll (green blood). The nettle regenerates the liver (this being the blood laboratory).
- Everything is consumed from the nettle: leaves, stem, seeds, roots!
- Nettle is used for plant care, as fertilizer, vermifug, fungicide, insecticide!
Beneficial effects:
- Anti-inflammatory (treatment of back pain and muscle disorders),
- Inhibitory effect on the blood,
- Treatment of intimate problems,
- Strong ally against anemia,
- Detoxifier,
- Depurative,
- Dermatological (hair loss, dandruff, nails, allergies, acne, eczema, psoriasis),
- Treatment for arthritis, hemorrhoids and internal inflammation,
- Digestive (heartburn, flatulence and constipation, diarrhea and dysentery),
- Anti-hemorrhaging (treatment of internal and external bleeding),
- Renal (healing kidney disease, breaking kidney stones and removing them),
- Effective expectorant (effective treatment against respiratory allergies, cough, asthma and infectious diseases),
- Adjusts blood sugar levels,
- Anti-aging,
- The ally of overweight people,
- Reduces fatigue,
- A powerful painkiller,
- Recommended for sports people,
- Accelerates lactation,
- Strengthens the nervous system,
- Mineralizer,
- Vitaminizing,
- Liver drainer,
- Balances the PH,
- Intestinal and stomach calming,
- Good digestive,
- Hemostatic and healing effect: heals bleeding,
- Good in oral conditions.