Juice of nettles with spinach

Juices Very easy 4 servings Subscribe to youtube channel
Preparation time25 min
Waiting time--
Ready in25 min

A protein juice, vitaminized and mineralized, practically a tonic and a detoxifier at the same time with many benefits for our health: antioxidant, regulates blood sugar levels, regulates blood pressure, strong ally against fatigue, anemia, improves digestion, anti-inflammatory, lowers cholesterol , helps regenerate the liver, reduces inflammation in the body and much more ...


Quantities for ~ 700 ml of juice, which may represent ~ 4 servings per 175 ml serving or more smaller servings, taking into account that the minimum serving may be 50 ml (14 servings).



Estimated cost: 4.5 €


  • - juicer with auger (worm) shaft, preferably at low speeds 40-60 rpm
  • - container


  • Prepare the nettles and spinach: wash well in 2 waters by rinsing. If we observe insects on their leaves, a few drops of vinegar can be added to the second water and we quickly get rid of the insects.
    After washing, the nettles and spinach are shaken well from the excess water and placed on trays as wide as possible. We will not wait for them to die, because they can oxidize.
    If you are sensitive to nettle spikes you can use gloves.
  • Wash and peel the lemon or lemons. Their role is to balance the taste of the juice, to slow down the oxidation and last but not least to decongest the vegetable juicer, which can clog. If you can't stand the sour taste, you can give up lemons.
    Lemons will be cut into 4 pieces (or slices).
  • Juice of nettles with spinach - Preparation step 3Start squeezing vegetables and lemons. It is recommended to mix the nettles and spinach mixed together and, from time to time, add a slice of lemon.
    We also recommend that you break the spinach leaves into 2-3 pieces, as the spinach fibers can cause the juicer to freeze.
  • Juice of nettles with spinach - Preparation step 4Sucul obținut, se toarnă imediat într-un recipient de sticlă, se închide ermetic și se bagă la frigider (2-4ºC) pentru a evita oxidarea.
    Opțional puteți adăuga și miere de albine în suc.
  • Juice of nettles with spinach - Preparation step 5The resulting pulp can be used in poultices for various ailments: sprains, muscle aches, rheumatic pains, ... It can freeze and remove only as much as you need. It can be used in poultices, both cold (not directly from the freezer) and warm.
    The pulp can also be used in horticulture, at the base of plants, trees ...


→ Being a fresh juice, 100% natural and without any sweetener, it is mandatory to keep it in the refrigerator at the lowest possible temperature: 2-4 degrees C.

→ It is ideally recommended to prepare a small amount , just as much as for a portion, within a maximum of 15 minutes of preparation.
→ However, being a juice harder to make, we somehow want slightly larger quantities, but even in this case it is recommended to consume it in a maximum of 3 days after preparation and this under certain conditions. The main condition is that the juice stays as little as possible at room temperature and as little as possible, to avoid oxidation and loss of nutrition. the juice container should be hermetically sealed and stored in the refrigerator (2-4 degrees C). The validity of the juice can be extended by combining it with bee honey, which is a very good preservative . The amount of honey gives us practically the shelf life, but if there is too much honey, be careful, in the end, all the sugar is in the body. To 2 liters of nettle and spinach juice, if you add 4 tablespoons of honey, can extend the validity for up to a week.

→ Another way to prolong the shelf life of juice is to freeze it in small containers or ice bags. Thus we can consume the juice without losing nutrients and after 6 months of preparation.

→ Ideally, the juice should be consumed in small sips within a few minutes (5 -> 10 minutes).

→ It is recommended that nettles and spinach be washed just before the juice is prepared , otherwise you will notice how quickly these ingredients start to oxidize. When I made the video, I bought the nettles and spinach the day before, and to make my job easier, I said to wash the nettles and spinach in the evening for the next morning. I thought that if it's colder outside (~ 5 degrees C) and I spread them on the balcony to dry, they will look good until the next day. Unfortunately, the next day, they had already started to oxidize ... That's it, I chose what could be chosen.

- Washing nettles and spinach : Do it in the sink under running water, when they are very fresh and clean. If the quantity is larger and they are not very clean either, then it is preferable to wash in 2 waters: practically fill the sink with water up to half, rinse the vegetables for ~ 1 minute, then let go of the water and then repeat. once rinsing. If we happen to see insects or small snails on the leaves, we do not have to worry, a quick solution is to add a little vinegar in the second water and we will get rid of it immediately.


→ It can be consumed as such or combined with water or various drinks.
→ It is recommended to consume an amount between 50ml -200ml, 2-3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.
→ You can adjust the amount according to age, tolerance, if you consume this juice for the first time, it is good to start with a smaller amount ...
→ In children, the quantities are halved.

⚠ For direct consumption from the refrigerator, we recommend consuming the juice in combination with a little lukewarm water, to balance its temperature.

Effects and benefits

  • tonic, vitaminizing, mineralizing
  • increases immunity
  • antioxidant
  • reduce fatigue, fight anemia
  • regulates blood sugar levels
  • good for diabetics
  • lowers blood pressure levels
  • strong ally against anemia
  • detoxifying, has a purifying effect
  • anti-inflammatory effect
  • improves digestion
  • good in treating internal and external bleeding
  • helps regenerate the liver
  • helps lower cholesterol
  • increases red blood cells
  • cleanses the colon
  • anti-aging effect
  • the ally of overweight people
  • analgesic effect
  • balances the PH
  • rich source of protein (nettle)
  • rich source of chlorophyll
  • rich source of iron
  • rich source of silicon
  • anti-carcinogenic

Side effects

  • may lower blood sugar
  • can lead to diarrhea if consumed very cold and in large quantities


  • people suffering from blood clotting problems (thrombosis), or people about to have surgery;
  • people suffering from diarrhea;
  • people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, colitis;
  • people with heart failure, hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • people with kidney failure;
  • contraindicated for pregnant women
Another information
A juice rich in a variety of essential nutrients:
Protein : nettle could be said to be the richest vegetable in protein and even subclasses soy, due to soy allergens / hormones.
Vitamins and minerals : vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin C, manganese, folate, copper, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, silicon, zinc, phosphates.


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