After only 30 minutes, you will notice how the sugar extracts water from the rhubarb stalks and a thin syrup forms. After a few hours, it is recommended to shake the jar slightly.
After 24 (or 48) hours of maceration, a syrup will be obtained. You will notice how the rhubarb slices have slightly reduced in size, as all the water in the stems has been absorbed by the sugar, forming the syrup.
The formed syrup is strained through a sieve.
Finally, the syrup is placed in a container, recommended made of glass, in the refrigerator. It is recommended to be consumed within ~ 30 days of opening.
Rhubarb syrup with sugar obtained by maceration can be stored, hermetically sealed, in a cool and dark place for up to 3 months. We recommend consumption within a maximum of 30 days of sale.
Rhubarb syrup with sugar obtained by maceration is much more valuable in terms of nutritional values, than the classic rhubarb syrup, obtained by boiling with sugar, because it has not been subjected to a thermal process. However, we recommend the rhubarb maceration with honey.
Rhubarb syrup can be consumed both for therapeutic purposes and as a soft drink with plain or mineral water, having a very pleasant taste.
Consume one tablespoon (~ 30 ml) taken as such or in combination with various liquids when you feel the need. However, it is not recommended to exceed 5 servings a day, as it can become a diuretic. It is not recommended to consume it in the form of juice immediately after a meal.
For therapeutic purposes, one tablespoon before meals is recommended, 3 times a day.
Effects and benefits
rich in minerals and vitamins such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamin K and C
Side effects
- purgative if consumed in large quantities or very cold
Precautions for people with diabetes with chronic gastritis.
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