Rosehip cider with honey, lemon and mint

Juices Easy 25 servings Subscribe to youtube channel
Preparation time30 min
Waiting time3 days
Ready in3 days 30 m

Rosehip cider: boosts immunity naturally

Rosehip cider or rosehip juice obtained at cold, through mild fermentation, is an excellent tonic, energizing for the body, especially during the winter, helping to prevent colds and flu by increasing the body's immunity. It is also a blood detoxifier, having a hepatoprotective role, helps the circulatory system, reduces the level of bad cholesterol. supports the digestive system, fights anemia and helps the collagen secretion process.


~5 liters of rosehip cider = ~25 portions (1 portion = ~200 ml)



Estimated cost: 4.8 €


  • - 5 liter jar
  • - glass containers
  • - blender / mixer
  • - sieve, cheesecloth


  • Rosehip cider with honey, lemon and mint - Preparation step 1Prepare the ingredients and a 5 liter jar.
    Rose hips will wash in several waters.
    Fill the jar halfway with water.
  • Rosehip cider with honey, lemon and mint - Preparation step 2Squeeze the lemon. If you have organic lemons, you can also slice the peel and add it to the jar.
  • Rosehip cider with honey, lemon and mint - Preparation step 3Pour the lemon juice over the honey and mix well until homogenized (the honey will become much more fluid).
    Optional: If the lemon is organic, cut the lemon zest into ~5mm slices and add to the jar.
  • Rosehip cider with honey, lemon and mint - Preparation step 4Pour the honey-lemon mixture into the half-filled jar with water and mix well with a wooden spoon until smooth.
  • Rosehip cider with honey, lemon and mint - Preparation step 5Grind the rosehips with a blender: put the rosehips in the blender cup, add a little water and blend for ~30 seconds. Depending on the size of the blender, we will shred the rose hips in one or more installments.
  • Rosehip cider with honey, lemon and mint - Preparation step 6Pour the chopped rosehip paste (with seeds) into the jar and mix well.
  • Rosehip cider with honey, lemon and mint - Preparation step 7Add the mint leaves and mix.
  • Rosehip cider with honey, lemon and mint - Preparation step 8Add water until the jar is full and mix well.
  • Rosehip cider with honey, lemon and mint - Preparation step 9We cover the jar with a food film, in which we make a few holes with the tip of a knife.
    ⚠ The jar will not seal tightly, because the mixture will ferment.
    You can also put a lid without closing it tightly, or even cheesecloth, so that when the mixture boils, the gases have somewhere to escape.
    It would be ideal if you could find a fermentation system (fermentation plug), like the one used in wine damingens.
  • Rosehip cider with honey, lemon and mint - Preparation step 10It will be left to ferment/macerate for a minimum of 3 days for a non-alcoholic soft drink.
    → To obtain a low-alcohol drink (rosehip cider), it is left to ferment for 3 weeks. Fermentation will take place at room temperature (~20 degrees C).
    → The fermentation time can be up to 8 weeks, but you will get an alcoholic drink, basically rosehip wine.
    ⚠ It is recommended to stir/shake daily with a long, wooden spoon, as the boiling process will push the crushed rosehips to the surface of the jar.
  • Rosehip cider with honey, lemon and mint - Preparation step 11After the fermentation period the liquid is filtered / strained with the help of a sieve or cheesecloth. It is put in bottles and stored cold in the refrigerator.


This recipe can also be made with sugar, but it is done a little differently: a sugar syrup is made with water and lemon. Basically, water is boiled on low heat together with sugar and lemon juice for about 10 minutes. Some prefer to leave the whole lemon with the sliced peel to cook, ... others add the lemon juice at the end after the sugar and water syrup is formed, when it is slightly cooled. I prefer the version without sugar and without thermal processing.

⚠ In our optional mixture you can add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (9 degrees).

Fermentation time can be from a minimum of 24 hours to 3 weeks in general for a non-alcoholic or low-alcohol drink. The longer it is left, the more it will alcoholize. If left longer, it becomes rosehip wine.
To obtain an alcoholic drink (rosehip wine) the fermentation time is 6-8 weeks.

⚠ Check the alcohol level, to be sure you are not consuming an alcoholic product. In my case, after 3 days of fermentation, the alcohol level was zero.

Storage and validity:
→ It is recommended to store in glass containers, hermetically closed in cool, ventilated places and protected from light.
→ For the non-alcoholic or low-alcohol version (rosehip cider), it is recommended to keep it cold in the refrigerator and consume it as soon as possible, maximum 3 days after opening. If the bottle of cider is hermetically sealed, kept cold in the refrigerator and not walked on, it can be kept for up to 3 months.


Pentru varianta nealcoolizată sau ușor alcoolizată
→ Se recomandă consumul a câte o cană (~200 - 250 ml) de cidru/suc de măceșe de 3 ori pe zi, preferabil cu 30 de minute înaintea meselor.

Pentru varianta alcoolizată
→ Pentru o persoană sănătoasă, fără restricții la alcool, se recomandă 1 - 2 pahare / zi, înaintea meselor.
→ Cidrul sau vinul de măceșe (varianta alcoolizată) poate fi consumat și fiert, extraordinar de bun în cazul răcelilor.

⚠ Pentru cei cu probleme de stomac, consumați doar după masă, la cel puțin 30 de minute.
→ În cazul copiilor se va consuma doar în varianta nealcoolizată.

Effects and benefits

  • vitaminique, riche en vitamines C, B1, B2, B3, A, D, E, F, K, P, mais aussi en provitamine A ;
  • minéralisant : zinc, magnésium, cuivre ;
  • riche en acides essentiels ;
  • riche en tanins et en acide malique ;
  • tonique, énergisant ;
  • stimule l'immunité ;
  • prévient le rhume et la grippe ;
  • prévient les infections respiratoires ;
  • tonique pour le système circulatoire ;
  • régule la tension artérielle ;
  • réduit le mauvais cholestérol ;
  • détoxifiant sanguin;
  • excellent diurétique ;
  • draineur / tonique hépatique ;
  • riche en antioxydants : flavonoïdes, caroténoïdes, composés phénoliques ;
  • anti-inflammatoire;
  • réduit le taux sérique de protéine C-réactive et de créatinine;
  • bon pour la mobilité articulaire ;
  • antianémique ;
  • aide à la sécrétion de collagène ;
  • aide le système nerveux;
  • stimule le métabolisme;
  • soutient le système digestif;
  • augmente l'appétit;

Side effects

- allergies, in the case of those allergic to the ingredients;


  • contraindicated for those with irritable bowel problems
  • contraindicated for people allergic to any of the ingredients
  • the alcoholic version is contraindicated for those with alcohol restrictions (liver problems, ...)


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